Regional Workshop on the Planning and Implementation of Prevalence Surveys on Violence against Women, 16 – 19 July 2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- UN Women and WHO, in partnership with UNFPA, jointly delivered a regional capacity strengthening workshop on violence against women (VAW) measurement. Representatives from national statistical offices and women’s machineries from 9 countries in East and Southern Africa met in Tanzania to share knowledge and learn about standards and good practices on VAW data collection, analysis, and use.
- The main objectives of the workshop were:
- To strengthen knowledge and understanding on measuring VAW through national prevalence surveys in line with existing globally agreed methodological and ethical standards;
- To guide the questionnaire and methodology development/adaptation processes based on specific country contexts;
- To strategize coordination and synergy-building among various institutions in undertaking data collection and analysis;
- To explore innovative, systematic and sustainable ways of data collection, analysis, and use;
- To share experiences and lessons learned on VAW measurements across countries in the region; and
- To provide inputs into planned or on-going country surveys, and assess country commitments to undertaking VAW surveys.