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Avril, 29


Jour(s): de 26/janv. vers 22/mai

The Paraguayan Center for Population Studies (CEPEP) organizes an international seminar on partner violence studies. Discussions and area of debate for this seminar include but not limited to:

-Aspects and processes of partner violence that have consequences on the health of women;

-Individual, dyadic and social factors that operate in partner violence,

-Mechanisms through which partner violence affects sexual and reproductive health

-Health service needs for women with partner violence.

The Center is calling for paper to be sent before 22nd May 2017.

The seminar will take place on 26th June 2017.

More information here (in Spanish only).

Date: Jan/26/2017 - May/22/2017
Voir le site web

Call for Papers: Women and Extreme Violence - 31 May 2017

Jour(s): de 26/janv. vers 31/mai

Violence and Gender, the journal focusing on the understanding, prediction, and prevention of acts of violence, is seeking high quality research on the topic of "women and extreme violence" to publish in the winter issue of 2017.

They are seeking high-quality research articles, perspectives, reviews, and commentaries on the following topics related to women and violence such as:

  • Women involved in extreme violence including homicide, kidnapping, and sexual abuse
  • Incentives of female offenders in criminal behavior
  • Women assisting in extreme violence — terrorism, mass shootings, etc.
  • Women who commit violent sex offense including rape and sexual assault
  • The behaviors of female offenders — do they commit violent crimes alone or with others?
  • Age and demographic of violent female offenders
  • Victims of female offenders — whom do women tend to attack?

Deadline for manuscript submission: May 31, 2017

More information here

Date: Jan/26/2017 - May/31/2017
Voir le site web

Call for Nominations: The Prizes For Women's Creativity in Rural Life 2017 - WWSF

Jour(s): de 06/févr. vers 30/avr.

The Women's World Summit Foundation is  pleased to share the Call for nominations for the annual WWSF Prizes for women's creativity in rural life 2017.

The Prize celebrates contributions by rural women leaders and their communities to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Agenda 2030 - Transforming our world! To-date, 422 prizewinners have been honored with the award since 1994. 

The deadlilne for application is 30th April 2017.

You can find more information on the call here as well as the form of participation here.

Date: Feb/06/2017 - Apr/30/2017
Voir le site web

Amnesty International Survey - Violence against Women Online

Jour(s): de 03/mars vers 03/mai

Amnesty International is investigating the human rights implications of online violence and harassment against women on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

They are looking for stories from women who have experienced violent threats and harassment online specifically related to their gender as well as any other intersecting forms of identity (e.g. race, sexual orientation, religion, gender expression). They want to know how online abuse made women feel and how women dealt with it - did you block users, report to police or companies, get offline, stop posting about certain content? They also want to know what the response was if you reported the online abuse to the police or to the social media companies directly. 

Complete the survey here.

Date: Mar/03/2017 - May/03/2017
Voir le site web

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Internet and Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents

Jour(s): de 30/mars vers 01/sept.

The goal of this special issue of the Canadian Review of Sociology is to publish high quality texts analyzing sexual violence against children and adolescents committed through Internet (or related information and communication technologies), as well as social, moral and political aspects associated to these crimes.

In this respect, they are looking for: 1) empirically based research on sexual violence against children and adolescents (resulting from online ethnographies, interviews, analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from police, etc.); 2) texts that discuss social, moral and political processes related to this topic; 3) debates and polemics on issues directly related to sexual violence against children and adolescents such as the age of consent, sexuality and autonomy, etc.

Papers should be sent through the Canadian Review of Sociology website Deadline: September 1st, 2017

More information here

Date: Mar/30/2017 - Sep/01/2017
Voir le site web

Call for applications: MENTOR-VIP

Jour(s): de 30/mars vers 30/mai

MENTOR-VIP is a global injury and violence prevention mentoring programme. It has been developed through the efforts of WHO and a network of global injury prevention experts. Mentoring allows for skills development through exchange of experience between a more skilled or experienced person and a person seeking to develop those skills. 

More information and application here.

Date: Mar/30/2017 - May/30/2017
Voir le site web

Conference on Crimes Against Women - May 22-25, 2017 - Dallas

Jour(s): de 31/mars vers 25/mai

The goal of the Conference on Crimes Against Women is to provide practical instruction, using current information, the newest ideas and most successful intervention strategies, to those professionals responsible for combating the many and varied forms of crimes against women. 

The conference is conducted for the sole purpose of providing training to only those people employed by governmental or non-profit agencies in the fields of law enforcement, prosecution, social work, victim's advocacy, therapy, probation/parole, campus safety and medicine who work directly with victims of crime. 

Date : May 22-25, 2017 - Sheraton Hotel, Dallas, Texas

More information here.

Date: Mar/31/2017 - May/25/2017
Voir le site web

4th Annual Summit: Global Female Leaders 2017 : 7-9 May 2017, Berlin, Germany

Jour(s): de 31/mars vers 09/mai

The Global Female Leaders Summit brings together high-achieving leaders from all over the world. It gives focus to new ways of thinking and presents aspects we think we already understand from a new and unfamiliar perspective. This summit enables women to start a dialogue; women who shape their societies and their organisations – women who make their mark.

The Global Female Leaders Summit covers a wide range of aspects, from the vital questions of the world economy to initiatives which demonstrate exemplary actions in times of crisis. It directs attention to new markets and fields of action for companies and regions, enables the joint exploration of visions and strategies, and extends the boundaries of previous knowledge.

Date: Sunday, May 7, 2017 (All day) to Tuesday, May 9, 2017 (All day)

More information here.

Date: Mar/31/2017 - May/09/2017
Voir le site web

II European Conference on Domestic Violence: 6-9 September, Porto, Portugal

Jour(s): de 01/avr. vers 09/sept.

The II European Conference on Domestic Violence will bring together researchers, academics, doctoral students, practitioners, and policy makers, and is designed to:

  1. Connect research and intervention within the field of domestic violence
  2. Exchange knowledge, good practices and methodologies which best contribute to the protection of victims and to the eradication of domestic and gender violence
  3. Share scientific results which inform the construction of social and legal policies regarding domestic and gender violence
  4. Promote networking among professionals and experts in this field
  5. Develop research and practice networks, methods and tools on preventing and combatting domestic violence. 

More information and registration here.

Date: Apr/01/2017 - Sep/09/2017
Voir le site web

Special Rapporteur Call - Impact of fundamentalism & extremism on cultural rights of women - 19th May

Jour(s): de 11/avr. vers 19/mai

The United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Karima Bennoune, is inviting all relevant stakeholders to contribute to a consultation on the impact of fundamentalism and extremism on the cultural rights of women.

Please send submissions electronically no later than 19 May 2017 to, using the email title: “Submission to study on impact of fundamentalism and extremism on women’s cultural rights”. 

More information on the call here.

Date: Apr/11/2017 - May/19/2017
Voir le site web

International Conference on Cybercrime: Cybercrime Research, Policy and Practice: the Collaboration Imperative, 16-18 July 2017, Gold Coast, Australia

Jour(s): de 18/avr. vers 18/juil.

The Australian Institute of Criminology and the Asia Pacific Association of Technology and Society will host the 5th International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics (ICCCF) at Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach on 16-18 July 2017.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Cybercrime Research, Policy and Practice: the Collaboration Imperative.’

The massive increase in technological developments in personal computing, smart phone and wireless devices in recent years has created significant challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. This important conference will explore the expansion of technology-enabled crimes and how collaboration can inform technological, legal and policy responses internationally.

The conference will feature influential speakers from government, academia and industry.\

More information and registration here.

Date: Apr/18/2017 - Jul/18/2017
Voir le site web

Call for Submissions: Every Hour Matters Challenge - 7th July

Jour(s): de 26/avr. vers 07/juil.

Positive Action Challenges, in collaboration with Together for Girls and Positive Action for Girls and Women (PAGW) is seeking innovative solutions to remove barriers to post-rape care in resource limited settings, with particular applicability in DREAMS countries (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). Proven or innovative solutions may be submitted for consideration.

Challenge statement: Identify a solution that increases awareness about the critical post-rape care timelines related to post-exposure prophylaxis (72 hours) and emergency contraception (120 hours) and leads to a significant increase in up-take of post-rape care services. Solutions must demonstrate an understanding of the availability of post-rape care services in the local context/healthcare systems targeted, and must be able to demonstrate an increase in uptake of services in these contexts.

Challenge Close: Concept deadline: May 31, Full Application deadline: July 7

More information and application here.

Date: Apr/26/2017 - Jul/07/2017
Voir le site web

Call for applications: SASA! Start course - Prevention VAW and HIV (5th-9th June)

Jour(s): de 26/avr. vers 09/juin

The SASA! Start phase course will take place in Kampala from June 5th – 9th, 2017. The course will explore ways to mobilize communities to prevent violence against women and HIV. 

The fee for the SASA! Start course is $600. Some financial support may be available for community based and national organizations.

More information and application here.

Date: Apr/26/2017 - Jun/09/2017
Voir le site web

Call for applications: Research Fellowship – LINEA II Initiative (before 22nd May)

Jour(s): de 26/avr. vers 22/mai

The Gender, Violence and Health Centre (GVHC) within the Department of Global Heath at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow for the LINEA II initiative. This is an exciting opportunity within a vibrant multidisciplinary group with an international research portfolio, of which LINEA II is a key component. The Gender, Violence and Health Centre (GVHC) focuses on intervention-based research on the extent, causes and consequences of gender-based violence.

Closing date for applications: 22 May 2017.

More information here.


Date: Apr/26/2017 - May/22/2017
Voir le site web

Call for nominations: 2017 global freedom exchange program for anti-trafficking women leaders (before May 19)

Jour(s): de 27/avr. vers 19/mai

Vital Voices Global Partnership, Hilton Worldwide, and Heineken welcome submissions for participants in an upcoming leadership development and networking program, the Global Freedom Exchange Program for Anti-Trafficking Leaders. In an effort to support women leaders in their work to combat human trafficking and enable them to realize their full leadership potential, the Global Freedom Exchange (GFE) invests in, mentors, and strengthens the capacity of women leaders on the forefront of global efforts to prevent and respond to sex trafficking.

The program is a two-week experiential, interactive leadership development and networking program that will be held from September 25th– October 6th, 2017 in Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; and Dallas, TX. They are currently accepting applications from emerging and established women leaders who have demonstrated an interest in and ability to mentor other women and girls and to engage in a broader network of women leaders. The program will cover the costs of travel, accommodations, and meals throughout the course of the two-week exchange for the selected group of fellows.

The online application will be open until 11:59 PM (EST) on May 19, 2017.

More information and application here.

Date: Apr/27/2017 - May/19/2017
Voir le site web

Webinar: ‘preparing for SASA!’, 2 May 2017

Jour(s): de 27/avr. vers 02/mai

Raising Voices and CEDOVIP are pleased to announce a new course and webinar to introduce, and prepare organizations for implementing, SASA!

This webinar will introduce the four core principles of SASA! provide information on the practicalities of implementing, and give suggestions on how to budget and write proposals for SASA! programming.

The webinar will take place on May 2nd, 2017 at 3pm, East African time.

To sign up for the webinar please email your name, name of your organization, position held and contact details to

More information here.

Date: Apr/27/2017 - May/02/2017
Voir le site web

Webinar: Healthy masculinities - Mobilizing men and boys to foster positive gender norms, 31 May 2017

Jour(s): de 27/avr. vers 31/mai

This web conference will explore strategies to mobilize men and boys in prevention, referencing the evidence base and on-the-ground work including Coaching Boys Into Men and other innovative community efforts. Learn from practitioners already building alliances with men and bring your ideas as we critique patriarchal norms and explore opportunities to promote healthy masculinities.


  • Explore what is meant by gender norms and masculinities
  • Discuss why engaging men and boys can help counter harmful aspects of gender norms that contribute to sexual and domestic violence.
  • Learn from local work to engage men and boys in sexual and domestic violence prevention
  • Engage in a candid discussion on challenges and considerations in promoting healthy masculinities in the context of patriarchal norms

EASTERN (EST/EDT)2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

More information here.

Date: Apr/27/2017 - May/31/2017
Voir le site web

Web Conference - National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010-2012 State Report: Implications for Prevention

Jour(s): de 27/avr. vers 17/mai

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  has released a report from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) that includes national and state-level findings from data collected from 2010-2012 on sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking.  In the web conference, CDC will describe the findings of the report. We will then explore the implications for prevention of domestic violence and sexual violence.

Date: WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2017 

Time: EASTERN (EST/EDT)2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

More information here.

Date: Apr/27/2017 - May/17/2017
Voir le site web

National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence - 28 September, San Francisco

Jour(s): de 28/avr. vers 28/sept.

Drawing over 1,000 attendees, the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence features innovative practices and the latest research in the field of health and domestic & sexual violence.

More information and registration here.

Date: Apr/28/2017 - Sep/28/2017
Voir le site web