

International Conference on the Survivors of Rape - Call for Abstracts

Jour(s): de 10/mars vers 15/mai

The IV ICSoR (taking place in November 2014) will be open to all stakeholders and professionals that want to make the difference on this field – researchers, policymakers, legal system professionals (forensics, lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers),  professions and voluntaries working in NGO, physicians, psychologists, social workers, educators, and others.

Abstracts are welcoming covering the following issues: Human Rights, data collection, medical, mental health, social, legal, and intervention and support models related with rape.

There is particular interest in deepening the following issues/main themes:

  • Prevention and Combat against Rape at European Level – monitoring the States commitments and fulfilment of their obligations regarding the protection of Human Rights. How can Europe build a common approach on this issues?   How can we all act against rape?
  • European data collection on Sexual violence and Rape and the need for comparable Indicators. How to harmonise data and indicators at a European level? How to gatherevidence on the costs of sexual violence and rape?
  • The impact of Sexual Violence and Rape on their victims: What survivors tell us?
  • Multidisciplinary-agency cooperation: effectiveness of current models of intervention and treatment for the survivor’s recovery process. Do we need more specialized resources and professional training? How does it meet the survivals needs? Is it survivals centered?
  • The Intervention programs with sexual offenders. Are they effective for the prevention of further offences? How do they guarantee the victims/survivals safety?
  • Legal issues on Rape. How can the Justice system be more effective in investigating the crimes of rape, punishing the offenders and providing reparation to the victims? How can the Justice system cooperate with the victims/survivals support systems?   
  • Primary Prevention. The role of the educational system and others sectors in the prevention of sexual violence and rape.  How can we educate children and young people to be zero-tolerant throughout violence? How can we protect children and young people from being victims of sexual violence and rape?
  • Survivors Voice and Empowerment. How to promote and support the participation of survivals in self-help, self-representation and self-advocate groups.
Local: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: Mar/10/2014 - May/15/2014
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Understanding and Addressing GBV in Development

Jour(s): de 04/avr. vers 17/mai

This eight week course empowers participants to:

• Become aware of the prevalence and nature of GBV specifically against women and the barrier it poses to all development initiatives.

• Understand the relationship between gender inequality and GBV and how GBV threatens both human rights and poverty reduction strategies.

• Appreciate the direct and indirect costs of GBV in terms of health, HIV and AIDS, education, livelihoods and participation at both micro and macro levels.

• Understand best practice in relation to GBV prevention and response programming.

• Analyse internal organisational ethics and policy in relation to gender inequality and GBV.

• To address key ethical, methodological and practical challenges in relation to GBV research, monitoring & evaluation and engaging men.


Course Dates: May 17th - July 12th

Local: Online
Date: Apr/04/2014 - May/17/2014
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What role can FBOs play in the prevention and response to sexual and intimate partner violence?

Jour(s): de 17/avr. vers 31/mai

This online session invites all faiths to participate in an online discussion, on the role of FBOs in the prevention and response to sexual and intimate partner violence.

Local: Online
Date: Apr/17/2014 - May/31/2014
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Counselling and communication skills for frontline workers

Jour(s): 1 and 2

This course is designed for frontline staff working with victims/survivors of domestic violence. The course will teach participants client centred counselling and communication skills to improve their ability to respond empathically and professionally to victims/survivors of domestic violence. It will also look at ways to improve communication with colleagues and other agencies. The course will include a variety of skills practice exercises.

Price: £186 vol / £280 stat

Duration: 2 day course from 10am-4.30pm each day.

Local: Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4LT
Date: May/01/2014 - May/02/2014
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Call for Abstracts- 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014: Men and Boys for Gender Justice!

Jour(s): de 16/mai vers 31/mai

The 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014 will be held in New Delhi, India, from 10-13 November on the overall theme ‘Men and Boys for Gender Justice’. The Symposium encompasses a holistic approach to understanding the implications of masculinities in different domains and disciplines of development and social justice related action in a globalizing world. The Symposium also aims to foster new linkages and relationships and identify new approaches to strengthen research, action on the ground as well as public policy and programming.

Abstracts (in English, Hindi, French or Spanish) are invited from those concerned about gender, masculinities, social justice and development issues around the world. 

During the Symposium, there are four kinds of participation-
1. Attend the Symposium as a delegate (some scholarships are also available!)
2. Submit an Abstract to make a presentation of your work
3. Book a satellite session to organise a theme / issue based discussion or
4. Book an exhibition booth/ stall to display your research, material or products related to the issues and theme of the Symposium.

Applications are to be done online at www.menengagedilli2014.net by 31st May 2014.

The abstracts will need to be submitted around the seven interdisciplinary key tracks of the Symposium:
1. Violence
2. Health and Wellbeing
3. Poverty and Work
4. Sexualities, Identities
5. Care, Relationships and Emotions
6. Peace building
7. Making of Men - from masculinity to humanity

Local: Online
Date: May/16/2014 - May/31/2014
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Training course: VAW emergency response and preparedness: A skill-building opportunity on responding to violence against women in emergencies

Jour(s): 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23

The IRC’s Emergency Response & Preparedness training package is aimed at better equipping emergency responders to prepare for, launch and support rapid, effective response to VAW in crisis situations. The training, through the VAW in Emergencies TAG, will also give participants the opportunity to raise and discuss challenges or questions they face related to emergency response in their own contexts. To apply for the training please complete a training application form and submit it to vaw.emerge@gmail.com.

Local: Kampala, Uganda
Date: May/19/2014 - May/23/2014
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Course E058: Women, Peace and Security

Jour(s): de 21/mai vers 01/juil.

This e-learning course provides participants with an understanding of how a gender lens is critical to all elements of peacebuilding, conflict resolution and recovery work, initiatives and policy. It outlines the normative framework around women’s rights and peacebuilding, security sector governance, approaches to transitional justice, security policy making and awareness raising on women’s and gender issues. This course uses weekly case studies to illustrate how the normative framework has been put into practice in different regions of the world. Finally, the course takes a critical look at the implementation of the women, peace and security resolutions, including gaps that that make a comprehensive, realistic and effective response to gender, peace and security issues challenging in field as well as in the global discourse. Participants will critically analyse international interventions on peace and security from a women’s rights perspective.

The certificate course involves approximately 30 hours of reading, on-line working groups, webinars, quizzes and a writing assignment, and interaction among students and the instructors, and is offered over an six-week period. The course will integrate active and participatory learning approaches within activities and assignments, with an emphasis on reflective and collaborative learning. The maximum number of course participants is 25. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation. It is also possible to audit the course.

Tuition fee for participants: US$ 575; tuition for auditors: US$ 215

Local: Online
Date: May/21/2014 - Jul/01/2014
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Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus: Implications for Prevention

Jour(s): 27

The U.S. Department of Education will soon release new regulations on how campuses must address and prevent sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.  These regulations, along with the new report from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, released yesterday, signal a new era for campuses - one in which these issues are at the forefront of the nation's consciousness and institutions are held to higher account in addressing them.  Accordingly, this web conference will highlight the implications for planning, implementing and evaluating violence prevention on college campuses. 


Time: 2pm-3:30pm Eastern

Local: Online
Date: May/27/2014
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Legal remedies and support for young people and vulnerable adults who have been sexually exploited

Jour(s): 28

This topical and newly designed course is delivered in partnership by AVA and Rights of Women, and will focus on supporting young people and vulnerable adults who have experienced, or at risk of experiencing, sexual exploitation. In particular, the course will cover:

  • What do we mean by sexual exploitation?
  • Identifying abusive situations and appropriate responses.
  • Understanding risk in relation to sexual exploitation .
  • What the law says about sexual exploitation - what legal protections are available for those who have experienced abuse?
  • Consent and grooming
  • Trafficking and sexual exploitation
  • Supporting a young person/vulnerable adult through the criminal justice system

As with all Rights of Women and AVA courses, complex information will be presented in a clear and accessible way and the course will comprise interactive sessions to aid participants' learning.

Local: The Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London, EC2A 3EA
Date: May/28/2014
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Supporting survivors to recover from the impacts of violence against women and girls – post-traumatic stress

Jour(s): 28

This course is designed to help professionals identify signs of post-traumatic stress (PTS) in women and girls who have experienced vawg and to explore different aspects of complex PTS. Delegates will practise introducing the framework and offering information to women. There will be opportunities to learn about and try out basic strategies to overcome intrusive memories and flashbacks, to discuss avoidance or numbing and to reduce hyperarousal or hypervigilance. These strategies are intended to support women and girls once they are safe from violence or after their safety plans are in place.


Dr. Roxane Agnew-Davies
£99 vol / £140 stat

Time                 10-4:30pm

Local: Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4LT
Date: May/28/2014
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Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus: Implications for Prevention

Jour(s): 29

The U.S. Department of Education will soon release new regulations on how campuses must address and prevent sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.  These regulations, along with the new report from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, released yesterday, signal a new era for campuses - one in which these issues are at the forefront of the nation's consciousness and institutions are held to higher account in addressing them.  Accordingly, this web conference will highlight the implications for planning, implementing and evaluating violence prevention on college campuses. 


Time: 2pm-3:30pm Eastern

Local: Online
Date: May/29/2014
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Betraying the Badge: Officer-Involved Domestic Violence

Jour(s): 29

This webinar will address: complex dynamics of violence when one or both parties are in law enforcement; effective management of simultaneous administrative and criminal proceedings; provision of appropriate services for victims; and the mitigation of consequences for victim-officers who recant, fail to appear, or otherwise decline to participate. 

Time: 2:00PM-3:30PM EDT

Local: Online
Date: May/29/2014
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1800 RESPECT Webinar: Gender Equality and Violence Against Women: A human rights approach

Jour(s): 29

This webinar will:

  • Provide an overview of the international context of gender equality and violence against women
  • Discuss how gender equality and violence intersect
  • Look at both concepts in an Australian context
  • Examine how a human rights approach is relevant to overcoming both gender inequality and violence against women
  • Discuss the Commission's research and work towards gender inequality and violence against women
  • Cover how "bystanders" can take action to achieve gender equality and combat violence against women.

Time: 1:00pm - 1:45pm AEST

Local: Online
Date: May/29/2014
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