

Gender and Transitional Justice

Jour(s): de 03/sept. vers 14/oct.

This e-learning course provides participants with a general introduction to the field of transitional justice from the perspective of the need for accountability for women's specific experiences of harm during conflict. Legal as well as non-prosecutorial responses to women's experiences of harm (such as international criminal trials, truth commissions and reparations programmes) will be examined. Case studies from processes employed in post-conflict contexts such as Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone and Liberia will be used to illustrate the application of critical concepts of gender theory to the transitional justice field.

After this course, participants will:
• be able to identify the relevance of gender equality to processes of post-conflict transition and transitional justice;
• be able to critically assess processes of transition from a gender perspective;
• possess knowledge on the particular experiences of transitional justice for women in a number of specific country contexts.

Local: Online
Date: Sep/03/2014 - Oct/14/2014
Voir le site web

The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault Webinar

Jour(s): 1

This course is designed for law enforcement personnel and others involved in the criminal justice and community response to sexual assault.  Participants will learn about the neurobiology of trauma and its application to victims of sexual assault.  By exploring how trauma affects victims’ emotions and behavior, special attention will be given to examining how the brain processes and recalls traumatic events.  This will help law enforcement personnel and others recognize how these concepts can be applied to sexual assault investigations – with the goal of improving both victim well-being and case success.


Time: 1pm EST

Local: Online
Date: Oct/01/2014
Voir le site web

Fourth international conference on violence in the health sector

Jour(s): 22, 23 and 24

This conference is the largest mondial conference dedicated to work related aggression and violence within the health and social services sector. It aims to provide a platform to share international developments, with a particular emphasis on best practice research and initiatives to effectively respond to the problem.

Local: Miami, FL, USA
Date: Oct/22/2014 - Oct/24/2014
Voir le site web