

Safety 2012 World Conference

Jour(s): 1, 2, 3 and 4

Safety 2012 is the 11th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. The conference is held biennially under the auspices of the World Health Organization. It brings together the world's leading injury prevention and safety researchers, practitioners and advocates, to build knowledge and strengthen the fields of injury prevention and safety promotion worldwide.

Safety 2012 is organised by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand (SCFNZ), and the University of Otago's Injury Prevention Research Unit (IPRU). There are also numerous partners and colleagues in New Zealand, Australia, and internationally who are contributing to the planning and success of the conference.

The theme of Safety 2012 is Connecting pathways for a vibrant and safer future. This is your opportunity to make international connections with others who share similar goals and interests.

Local: Wellington, New Zealand
Date: Oct/01/2012 - Oct/04/2012
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Online Discussion of Gender-based Violence for Post-2015 Agenda

Jour(s): de 17/oct. vers 09/nov.

UN Women and UNICEF are co-convening an e-discussion on gender-based violence as part of a series of e-discussions taking place within the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda,  supported by the Government of Denmark. The e-discussion is an open and inclusive conversation for representatives of civil society, academia, governments and the UN to discuss what the Post-2015 development agenda should look like.

Local: Online
Date: Oct/17/2012 - Nov/09/2012
Voir le site web

Online discussion "Engaging Men and Boys in Transforming Discriminatory Social Norms"

Jour(s): de 22/oct. vers 31/oct.

Sonke Gender Justice Network, Men for Gender Equality Sweden (Män för Jämställdhet), the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Wikigender invite you to participate in a new online discussion on the topic of "Engaging Men and Boys in Transforming Discriminatory Social Norms". The inputs from the Wikigender community will be presented via a summary report at the seminar on "Measuring progress towards gender equality: where do we stand?" on 13 November, an event co-organised by the OECD Development Centre and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm.

Local: Online
Date: Oct/22/2012 - Oct/31/2012
Voir le site web