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Dernière modification: July 28, 2020

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Media organizations, like any entity or institution can make a substantial contribution to gender equality, non-discrimination and non-violence by addressing internal structures, operations and practices that adhere to, reflect and promote these values. This entails building capacity within the organization through a range of strategies. Where greater gender parity exists within media organizations, it has been found that media content reflects a more balanced and diverse view of women (European Parliament 2018). In this regard, a more gender-equitable organization is both an important accomplishment on its own right, in addition to being an important pathway of influence in the content that shapes social norms, prejudices and stereotypes.

Capacity-building requires a whole-of-organization approach that considers gender equality and non-discrimination throughout the systems, structures, staffing and content of media organizations. It entails undertaking a gender assessment or audit of the organization; the development and/or revision of policies and standards; ensuring gender parity in staffing and decision-making mechanisms; ongoing training for media personnel; and ensuring the safety and security of women journalists and human rights defenders who are at increased risk of attack for challenging social norms related to gender, identity and power dynamics. This requires having a long-term vision with ongoing engagement.