- The sample framework below is a very preliminary draft that is meant to provide a springboard for further work on developing prevention frameworks for specific settings rather than an exhaustive summary of VAWG issues and possible prevention interventions. The prevention framework seeks to:
- Differentiate different types of violence according to different stages of emergencies;
- Highlight that each type of violence can be associated with particular risk and protective factors (it should be noted that, given the absence of standard data within and across settings, these are based on anecdotal evidence);
- Reinforce the need to link prevention activities to the identified risk and protective factors for each type of violence;
- Present a summary of some of the key prevention activities that can be introduced. Given the absence of evaluated programmes, the strategies for prevention presented below are based on emerging evidence of good practice.
- Interventions listed below with questions marks are those that may not always be possible/preferable to implement during emergency response. The priority in the emergency is to ensure that basic protections are in place and services are safe and accessible to survivors. More complex prevention programming may be more relevant in the post-emergency. With livelihoods, for example, the focus may be on financial literacy in the emergency phase, and livelihoods programming can be expanded to micro-credit schemes in the post-emergency phase. For more information about these interventions, see Section VIII: Implementing Prevention Programming.
*Note that risk/protective factors and interventions are not differentiated according to type of violence in the recovery phase section because of significant overlap and a desire not to repeat previous sections. However, when developing a prevention framework in a real setting, it is critically important to assess the various risk and protective factors for each type of violence through all stages of humanitarian response.