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Area 2: Capacity development on the collection, analysis and use of violence against women data

Última editado: October 07, 2020

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UN Women and WHO aim to contribute to strengthening the capacity of national institutions to collect, analyse and use VAW data in line with globally agreed methodological, ethical and safety standards.


A key focus of the Joint Programme is to address the over-reliance on external expertise for the implementation of national prevalence surveys on violence against women. The Joint Programme seeks to engage a regional and/or national institution in the Arab States and in Eastern and Southern Africa, respectively, for the development and implementation of capacity building initiatives for the collection and use of VAW data, with a focus on the implementation of prevalence surveys. It is expected this will help ensure capacities remain in the region. The Joint Programme also seeks to contribute towards a statistical culture that institutionalizes the implementation of VAW prevalence surveys in the national statistical systems, as well as a methodologically and ethically sound approach to the collection and use of data on VAW.


The Joint Programme’s capacity development component, as mentioned above, focuses on two regions:


  • Arab States
  • East and Southern Africa