
Agosto, 1

Call for communications regarding violations of women’s rights - CSW 61

Día (s): de 11/jul a 01/ago

Communications Procedure for CSW 61 – 2017 

Call for communications regarding violations of women’s rights around the globe.

The Commission on the Status of Women, in coordination with UN Women, is seeking complaints, appeals and petitions that describe alleged violations of human rights that affect women in any country in the world.  These communications may address violations that include the political, economic, civil, social, and/or educational status of women. They are a part of COSW’s work to identify emerging trends and patterns of injustice and discriminatory practices against women for purposes of policy formulation and development of strategies for the promotion of gender equality.


Selected communications will be sent through the secretary-general to the governments in which the alleged violations have taken place. These governments will be invited to respond to the alleged violation.  UN Women will then compile a confidential report containing both the communication and replies received. Working groups will then be considered by working groups in closed meetings by the Commission on the Status of Women during its session in March.

Please note: Communications, including victim names, will be shared with the relevant governments concerned, and are not kept confidential.

The communications procedure does not provide an avenue for the redress of individual grievances.

Deadline for submission is August 1, 2016.

Any person or organization with a communication should write to:

CSW Communications Procedure?Human Rights Section

UN Women ?220 East 42nd Street, 17th Floor?New York, NY 10017 USA

Or send an e-mail message to


What information should be included in a communication?


Communications should:

  • Identify as far as possible the woman victim, or women victims (note: the names of victims will be shared with the Government concerned for its reply);
  • Indicate clearly where (the particular country) the alleged violation(s) or pattern of violations have occurred or are occurring. Separate communications should be submitted per country in which alleged violations have taken place;
  • Provide, when available, dates and circumstances of the alleged violations;
  • Explain the context by providing relevant background information; and provide, when available, copies of documentation.



Examples of categories of communications received and trends and patterns identified in recent years:

  • Arbitrary arrests of women
  • Deaths and torture of women in custody
  • Forced disappearances or abductions of women
  • Discriminatory application of punishments in law based on sex, including corporal and capital punishment
  • Violation of the rights of women human rights defenders to freedom of expression and assembly
  • Threats or pressure exerted on women not to complain or to withdraw complaints
  • Stereotypical attitudes towards the role and responsibilities of women
  • Domestic violence
  • Forced marriage and marital rape
  • Virginity testing
  • Contemporary forms of slavery, including trafficking in women and girls
  • Sexual harassment of women in the workplace
  • Unfair employment practices based on sex, including unequal pay
  • Discrimination against women in accessing international humanitarian aid
  • Forcible evictions of women in conflict situations
Fecha: Jul/11/2016 - Aug/01/2016
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Grant's for Journalists - Underreported Women's Stories

Día (s): de 15/jul a 01/ago

The International Media Women's Foundation (IMWF) is providing grants that average $5,000 USD for women journalists to pursue international stories of importance through gender-sensitive coverage of underreported topics. The grants will be awarded to cover reporting-related costs.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Funding will be awarded in August, December, and April.

For more information, or to submit an application, click here

The IWMF’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories, sponsored by The Secular Society, is a new funding initiative supporting journalism produced by and about women.

Fecha: Jul/15/2016 - Aug/01/2016
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