
Funding opportunity: South African National Research Foundation competitive programme for researchers 2017

Día (s): de 18/abr a 16/may

The Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR) is a discipline-based funding instrument that supports principally basic research as the foundation of knowledge production in the disciplines of the Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences.

Proposals must be submitted online.

Deadline for proposals: 06 May 2016.

Fecha: Apr/18/2016 - May/16/2016

Registration for Women Deliver's 4th Conference

Día (s): de 27/abr a 15/may

Register Now! for the Women Deliver’s 4th Global Conference, taking place 16-19 May 2016. The Conference will be the largest gathering on girls’ and women’s health and rights in the last decade and one of the first major global conferences following the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

See more at:

Register here:

Fecha: Apr/27/2016 - May/15/2016
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Steering Committee Membership Call - Post-2015 Women's Coalition

Día (s): de 29/abr a 20/may

The Post-2015 Women's Coalition is holding an open call for women's rights and feminist advocates interested in joining its Steering Committee as it enters into its second phase of work.

In order to apply to join the Post-2015 Women's Coalition's Steering Committee, please read these instructions carefully and submit your application form AND CV/Resume by COB 20th May 2016 EST. A selection committee will review and make the selections based on the criteria listed in the instructions.

Fecha: Apr/29/2016 - May/20/2016
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Solicitacion de financiación - Mama Cash 2016

Día (s): de 29/abr a 31/may

Mama Cash respalda a grupos e iniciativas que trabajan desde una perspectiva feminista y/o de los derechos de las mujeres, están dirigidos por las mujeres, las niñas y/o las personas trans a las que sirven, tienen la promoción de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, las niñas y/o las personas trans como su misión principal, y no solo como enfoque de uno de sus programas, luchan por conseguir un cambio estructural y fundamental, y qque se centran en cuestiones a las que se presta poca atención y/o son controvertidas.


Para solicitar una financiacion: mira los criterios

Fecha: Apr/29/2016 - May/31/2016
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E-Discussion "Foro AWID 2016: ¿Cómo construimos movimientos resilientes?" - AWID

Día (s): de 03/may a 13/may

Del 3 al 13 de mayo de 2016, súmate a nuestra conversación virtual en el sitio del Foro AWID donde postearemos una serie de preguntas breves sobre seguridad integral.

Responde las preguntas que posteamos con tu pensamiento crítico y tu mente abierta. ¡No te guardes nada! Este es un espacio seguro en el que puedes compartir no solo tus sueños sino también tus preocupaciones y necesidades, imaginando condiciones más seguras para el activismo. El espacio también está diseñado de tal manera que podamos compartir experiencias y esperanzas para hacer que nuestro activismo sea más alegre y disfrutable tanto para nosotrxs como para nuestros movimientos. Resumiremos todos los aportes recibidos en un artículo y en los próximos meses lo difundiremos también como preparación rumbo al Foro. Esperamos que nos acompañes y que podamos empoderarnos a través tuyo en esta importante conversación que es fundamental para nuestras luchas.

Sumate a la conversacion aqui!

Fecha: May/03/2016 - May/13/2016
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Women Deliver’s 4th Global Conference (16-19 May 2016) in Copenhagen, Denmark

Día (s): 16, 17, 18 and 19

Women Deliver conferences are world-renowned convenings focused on the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. The Women Deliver 2016 Conference will be the largest gathering on girls’ and women’s health, rights, and wellbeing in the last decade and one of the first major global conferences following the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The focus of the conference will be on how to implement the SDGs so they matter most for girls and women, with a specific focus on health, in particular maternal, sexual, and reproductive health and rights, and the inter-connections with gender equality, education, environment, and economic empowerment.

When and Where? 16-19 May 2016 | Copenhagen, Denmark

Who? The conference will bring together world leaders, advocates, activists, civil society, decision and policy makers, private sector representatives, researchers, young people, media, and other global influencers.

THE WOMEN DELIVER 2016 CONFERENCE WILL ALSO HOST THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: • Youth Pre-Conference • Private Sector Pre-Conference • Parliamentarians’ Forum • Regional Caucuses • Ministers’ Forum


Fecha: May/16/2016 - May/19/2016
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Web Conference - Technology Strategies for Ending Child Sexual Exploitation

Día (s): de 16/may a 16/abr

This web conference focuses on how to use technology to reach people we don’t usually see as part of prevention– those accessing child pornography/child sexual abuse images and strategies to persuade them to stop and seek help.  Focusing on an exciting new effort, the Thorn Deterrence Program, we will explore what has been learned and some of the initial results of these efforts.

  1. To analyze the evolution of effective messages to reach those accessing child sexual abuse images
  2. To identify new ways technology can be used to be part of the solution


Fecha: May/16/2016 - Apr/16/2016
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Webinar: Findings from the SASA! - 24 May 2016

Día (s): 24

Webinar: Mobilising communities to end violence against women; Findings from the SASA!

Study-Learning Lab, 24 May 2016.  


This webinar presents analyses from the SASA! Study, a cluster randomised trial of a community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women (VAW) and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda.

More information here.

Register online.

Fecha: May/24/2016
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Webinar: Smart Design and Effective Execution of Girl-Centered Programs - Population Council- 25 May

Día (s): 25

A key element of girl-centered programs is knowing who and where the most excluded girls are.

This hour-long webinar will cover what matters in protective asset-building program design and implementation once program staff have discovered who matters.

Population Council experts Martha Brady and Nicole Haberland will describe the results of their systematic review of the evidence on girl-centered programming.

They will describe the role of context and content, illustrating their findings by highlighting the importance of paying attention to gender norms – as reflected in the comprehensive sexuality education It’s All One Curriculum – and review monitoring and evaluation.

There will be 15 minutes for Q&A at the end of the session.

More information here.

Fecha: May/25/2016
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International Day of Action for Women's Health - Focusing on Institutional Violence

Día (s): 28

May 28 is the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. May 28th has been commemorated by women ’s health advocates and their communities since 1987 and has been crucial in the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) movement building. May 28 provides a great opportunity to remind our government leaders that Women’s Health Matters.

With the recent adoption of Agenda 2030, governments have acknowledged gender equality and women’s empowerment as crucial to sustainable development, while reaffirming the outcomes from the ICPD Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform for Action. Central to women’s empowerment, however, is the respect, protection, and fulfilment of the human rights of women and girls in all their dimensions, including their sexual and reproductive rights, and acknowledging the actual needs of all women and girls in all their diversities!


More information here (in english only).

Fecha: May/28/2016
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