
Abril, 29

Funding opportunity: South African National Research Foundation competitive programme for researchers 2017

Día (s): de 18/abr a 16/may

The Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR) is a discipline-based funding instrument that supports principally basic research as the foundation of knowledge production in the disciplines of the Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences.

Proposals must be submitted online.

Deadline for proposals: 06 May 2016.

Fecha: Apr/18/2016 - May/16/2016

GBV Science Fair - Organised by The Global Women’s Institute and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)

Día (s): de 18/abr a 01/jun

The Global Women’s Institute and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) are partnering to promote safe and ethical Gender-Based Violence (GBV) research.  

The GBV Science Fair offers opportunities for your research to reach a global audience and have the potential to win prizes.

To enter, simply create a short video abstract about your research during or after SVRI. Entries will be accepted until June 1, 2016!

See the official website for all information.



Fecha: Apr/18/2016 - Jun/01/2016

Funding possibilities for local women’s rights activities in the Accountability Fund!

Día (s): de 18/abr a 30/jun

The Netherlands Accountability Fund is designed to strengthen the lobby and advocacy capacity of  local Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) in the South.

The Minister encourages the Dutch Embassies to contact local women’s organisations and to come up with new or additional proposals for 2016. On our side, we encourage local organisations within the FLOW-community in low income and low middle income countries to contact the Dutch Embassies in their countries and inquire about the possibilities. The Taskforce for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will assist embassies to realize this additional effort on women’s rights and gender equality. Embassies may get help by organizing a scoping mission or the execution of a gender analysis, for example. The requirements to the proposals are not very prescriptive nor extensive to allow access of smaller local CSO’s. Applicants may count on support to facilitate proposals, where needed.

Please take note that proposals for 2016 should be submitted preferably no later than 30 June. The Dutch Embassy in your country will be able to inform you about the requirements and possibilities

The Netherlands Accountability Fund is designed to strengthen the lobby and advocacy capacity of  local Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) in the South. - See more at:
The Netherlands Accountability Fund is designed to strengthen the lobby and advocacy capacity of  local Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) in the South. - See more at:
Fecha: Apr/18/2016 - Jun/30/2016
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Registration for Women Deliver's 4th Conference

Día (s): de 27/abr a 15/may

Register Now! for the Women Deliver’s 4th Global Conference, taking place 16-19 May 2016. The Conference will be the largest gathering on girls’ and women’s health and rights in the last decade and one of the first major global conferences following the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

See more at:

Register here:

Fecha: Apr/27/2016 - May/15/2016
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Steering Committee Membership Call - Post-2015 Women's Coalition

Día (s): de 29/abr a 20/may

The Post-2015 Women's Coalition is holding an open call for women's rights and feminist advocates interested in joining its Steering Committee as it enters into its second phase of work.

In order to apply to join the Post-2015 Women's Coalition's Steering Committee, please read these instructions carefully and submit your application form AND CV/Resume by COB 20th May 2016 EST. A selection committee will review and make the selections based on the criteria listed in the instructions.

Fecha: Apr/29/2016 - May/20/2016
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Solicitacion de financiación - Mama Cash 2016

Día (s): de 29/abr a 31/may

Mama Cash respalda a grupos e iniciativas que trabajan desde una perspectiva feminista y/o de los derechos de las mujeres, están dirigidos por las mujeres, las niñas y/o las personas trans a las que sirven, tienen la promoción de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, las niñas y/o las personas trans como su misión principal, y no solo como enfoque de uno de sus programas, luchan por conseguir un cambio estructural y fundamental, y qque se centran en cuestiones a las que se presta poca atención y/o son controvertidas.


Para solicitar una financiacion: mira los criterios

Fecha: Apr/29/2016 - May/31/2016
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