
Septiembre, 30

Gender and Transitional Justice

Día (s): de 03/sep a 14/oct

This e-learning course provides participants with a general introduction to the field of transitional justice from the perspective of the need for accountability for women's specific experiences of harm during conflict. Legal as well as non-prosecutorial responses to women's experiences of harm (such as international criminal trials, truth commissions and reparations programmes) will be examined. Case studies from processes employed in post-conflict contexts such as Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone and Liberia will be used to illustrate the application of critical concepts of gender theory to the transitional justice field.

After this course, participants will:
• be able to identify the relevance of gender equality to processes of post-conflict transition and transitional justice;
• be able to critically assess processes of transition from a gender perspective;
• possess knowledge on the particular experiences of transitional justice for women in a number of specific country contexts.

Local: Online
Fecha: Sep/03/2014 - Oct/14/2014
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Addressing Violence Against Women: From Evidence to Action

Día (s): 30

The presentations will:

  1. To bring attention to the impact of violence against women on women’s health and on the health of children in the Americas by reviewing the latest evidence about the magnitude and health effects of intimate partner and sexual violence against women.
  2. To learn about the evidence-based recommendations by PAHO/WHO for the provision of health care to survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence and challenges of implementing them in resource-poor settings.
  3. To encourage action by providing an overview of effective interventions and country experiences looking at strengths and challenges of current responses in selected countries. 

Time: 12:30 to 2:00pm (EST)

Local: Online
Fecha: Sep/30/2014
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