
Febrero, 5

Online Discussion: Transforming social norms to prevent violence against women and girls

Día (s): de 04/feb a 13/feb

This is event is being co-organized by Wikigender, Partners for Prevention: a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV regional joint programme for Asia and the Pacific, Breakthrough, End Violence Against Women (EVAW UK), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Womankind Worldwide.

The outcomes of the discussion will be presented at a side event in New York on the topic of social norms and the prevention of violence against women (VAW) and girls, co-organised by the OECD Development Centre and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and taking place on 4 March 2013 during the fifty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) .

Of particularl interest are the following:
  • Key issues: What type of social norms and attitudes contribute to violence against women? What are the entry points for changing social norms and attitudes that support violence against women? What are the challenges for changing social norms that support violence against women? 
  • Examples, case-studies: In your area/region, what are examples of successful policies, initiatives, campaigns and programmes that tackle social norms related to violence against women and girls? Are there approaches that are more effective than others in changing attitudes? How can we harness the power of new technologies and the media? What role does men and boys' involvement play? 
  • Action required: What actions should governments, donors, international organisations and civil society take to transform social norms to prevent violence against women and girls? What type of data should be collected to monitor changes in social norms?
Local: Online
Fecha: Feb/04/2013 - Feb/13/2013
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