

Transforming Masculinities for Gender Justice - Training of Trainers Workshop

Día (s): de 06/sep a 19/sep

The Regional Learning Community (RLC) and Partners for Prevention are pleased to announce a call for applications for an upcoming workshop - the Transforming Masculinities for Gender Justice - Training of Trainers Workshop.

Application deadline: 19 September 2012

Workshop objectives
* Deepen understanding & consciousness of trainers around the gendered self;
* Strengthen conceptual understanding on masculinities & power systems; and
* Enhance practical capacity to act for social change.

Who can apply?
* Trainers with knowledge of gender issues;
* Nationals of Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, or Viet Nam; and
* Applicants must have strong English proficiency.

* Note that successful applicants will be provided with travel expenses plus a daily allowance.

How to apply?
Complete the application form at: and email it along with your resume to .

For further information, please contact Khamsavath Chanthavysouk, Partners for Prevention, at

Local: Bangkok, Thailand
Fecha: Sep/06/2012 - Sep/19/2012
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Community-based Solutions to Preventing Male Violence Against Women

Día (s): 10

Transforming Communities: Technical Assistance and Training Resource Center (TC-TAT) and co-presenter Men Stopping Violence (MSV) will explore the pressing question of: What will stop men from using male vi olence against women? On one hand, preventing male violence against women requires men to become more accountable to the people in their lives around their use of violence, participation in patriarchy, and how they socialize each other.  Prevention also involves analyzing and transforming the role of our communities, institutions, and organizations to no longer uphold violence against women. 

This webinar will introduce MSV’s Community Accountability Model for intervention and prevention of male violence against women.    Based on 30 years of practice, and an ever evolving vision for what will transform our communities into places safe for ALL women and girls, the Community Accountability Model can be used to assess current programmatic efforts, identify community allies, and to strengthen both prevention and intervention efforts with men.   This is funded by the California Emergency Manageme nt Agency

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Local: Online Webinar
Fecha: Sep/10/2012
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Brown Bag: New Report on Women’s and Men’s Experience of Spousal Violence in Ghana and Uganda: Does Gender Matter?

Día (s): 13

The Gender-Based Violence Task Force of the Inter-agency Gender Working Group is pleased to present a brown bag with Sunita Kishor, Director of MEASURE DHS, who will speak on the newly released report, co–authored by Dr. Kishor and Sarah Bradley, “Women’s and Men’s Experience of Spousal Violence in Two African Countries: Does Gender Matter?”


Dr. Kishor will discuss the paper’s findings on frequency, severity, and health consequences of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), comparing married men and married women, using DHS data from Ghana and Uganda. Don’t miss what is sure to be a fascinating discussion in the ongoing debate on whether there is “gender symmetry” in IPV.


Time: 3:00-4:30pm EST

Space is limited so please RSVP by Friday, September 7 to

Local: 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC, USA
Fecha: Sep/13/2012

Involving Families in Teen Dating Abuse Prevention (Prevent Connec)

Día (s): 28

Involving families in the prevention of adolescent health risk behaviors is challenging but has the potential for promoting effectiveness. This web conference will examine theup coming article in The Journal of Adolescent Health, Assessing the effects of Families for Safe Dates, a family-based teen dating abuse preventionprogram.Families for Safe Datesis a family-based program for preventing teen dating abuse that has been evaluated using a randomized controlled design. Researchers and prevention practitioners will discuss the development, structure,conceptual basis, and research-based evidenceofFamilies for Safe Datesand explore the benefits and challenges of involving families in the primary prevention of teen dating abuse and considerations for implementing programs such asFamilies for Safe Dates.

Host: David Lee, CALCASA, PreventConnect



Time: 110:00-12:30pm Pacific Standard Time

Local: Web Conference
Fecha: Sep/28/2012
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