

GBV Emergency Response & Preparedness: A Training & Ongoing Support Opportunity (IRC)

Día (s): de 24/abr a 18/may

This initiative, targeting GBV field-based practitioners, prepares responders to strengthen emergency preparedness within their diverse contexts, and to effectively address the specialized needs of women and girls in the onset of human-made and natural disasters. Trained practitioners receive web-based follow-up and
support as they apply new skills and knowledge, and are part of a wider community of trained
emergency responders. Through this network they contribute to real-time analysis of response
and help to advance evidence-based learning.

See the fuller descritiption in English and French.

Download the application in English and French.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications must be received by May 4, 2012. Selected
participants will be notified by May 18, 2012.

Local: Nairobi, Kenya
Fecha: Apr/24/2012 - May/18/2012

Violence against Indigenous Women. "A life without violence, a life with autonomy" (International Indigenous Women's Forum)

Día (s): 9

The International Indigenous Women's Forum with the support of UNWOMEN proposes an in-depth session on violence against indigenous women to deepen on the various perspectives that indigenous women have about violence, share best practices and success stories of empowerment of indigenous women as a step to eliminate and prevent violence and reflect on the interaction of individual and collective rights of indigenous women in contexts of violence.

Perspectives 4:00 to 5:00 PM 

Empowerment 5:00 to 6:00 PM 

Rights 6:00 to 7:30 PM 

Reception  "Let's celebrate life without violence"  7:30 to 9:00 PM

Local: 10th Floor, Church Center (44th Street and 1st Avenue), United Nations, New York
Fecha: May/09/2012

Maternal Health and Gender-Based Violence: Research on and Responses to Service Provider Abuse in Childbirth and Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy

Día (s): 10

Presented By: The Gender-based Violence Task Force Of the Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG)

When: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: National Press Club, Holeman Lounge, 13th floor, 529 14th St.

Join in commemorating Mother’s Day by raising awareness and sharing lessons learned from interventions on violence and abuse during pregnancy and childbirth.

Panel presentations to include:

  • Prevalence data on intimate partner violence during pregnancy
  • Landscape analysis of health service provider abuse in delivery
  • White Ribbon Alliance’s Respectful Maternity Care advocacy campaign
  • Population Council’s Heshima project for promoting dignified and respectful care during childbirth in Kenya
  • CARE Peru’s Health Policy Project on training citizen volunteers to monitor health care
  • Wrap up by Sunita Kishor, senior gender advisor at ICF International
Local: Washington, DC
Fecha: May/10/2012
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eForum discussion on the role of Traditional Leaders in the prevention of HIV and Gender-based Violence

Día (s): 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

The Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS), in partnership with the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) project, is delighted to announce the launch of a new 5 day electronic discussion forum (eForum). This eForum will focus on the role of Traditional Leaders  as Champions in the prevention of HIV and Gender-based Violence (GBV) in eastern and southern Africa. 

This eForum aims to share information on these resources, as well as good practices from traditional leaders, on how they have been supporting their communities to prevent HIV and GBV.  

The online discussion will take place on the Southern Africa HIV/AIDS Regional Exchange (SHARE) website( the following themes:

- The role of traditional leaders to uphold protective  cultural practices while discarding the harmful  ones,
- The role of traditional leaders as protectors of women, children, and people living with HIV, and
- Sharing case studies of traditional leaders who are championing the prevention of HIV and GBV in their communities.

Local: Online
Fecha: May/14/2012 - May/18/2012
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Symposium: Responding to Violence Against Women Emerging Evidence, Implementation Science & Innovative Interventions

Día (s): 21

Organized by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, School of Medecine and Bloomberg School of Public  Health, Department of Population, Family & Reproductive Health, Center for Injury Research & Policy,  and the Women's and Children's Health Policy Center, the symposium is organized around the following questions:

What is the Emerging Research?
What does the State of the Science tell us?
What can Implementation Science do for us?
What are some Innovative Interventions?
What are the Next Steps?


Time: 8:30am- 5:00pm

Registration is required; the event is free.

For registration, a detailed agenda, and speaker abstracts and bios Contact:

Mahua Mandal at or Kelli Hirsch at with questions

Local: Washington, DC
Fecha: May/21/2012
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Bystander Intervention Conference (Mentors in Violence Prevention)

Día (s): de 31/may a 01/jun

Setting the Stage Speakers
Each day, there will be leaders from social justice, education, government, and sport business that will help us “set the stage” for each day’s content.  These individuals will be announced one at a time in the weeks leading up to the conference.  Be on the lookout!

Spotlight Segments
Spotlight segments will be strategically placed throughout the conference to illuminate specific aspects of bystander intervention.  They will incorporate multi-media presentations, personal testimony, global applications and deeper pedagogical understanding of the issues.

Plenary Panels
These will not be your typical panel presentations.  Rather, they will be dynamic, interactive discussions with open discussion time built in to each panel.  Participants will hear from experts in the field and have the opportunity to engage the presenters.  The experts will provide context and bystander intervention lessons learnd on the issues as a way to stimulate discussion.

Dynamic Shift Segments
Designed to shift the energy in the room, these dynamic shift segments will include: video clips of a Bystander Intervention programs/ initiatives/campaigns; spotlight testimonials of people utilizing Bystander Intervention strategies or failing in a tough situation; and multi-media components reinforcing the need for Bystander Intervention.

Directed Breakout Discussion: The road ahead/ Next Steps in the Field
These sessions will be an interactive meeting of academics, practitioners and advocates working together to define and address emerging issues in bystander education.  In smaller working groups, participants will discuss how to integrate the bystander approach by examining where there are opportunities for growth within and outside the area of gender based violence.  Facilitated by experts in their field, the various breakout sessions will allow for greater exploration of how the bystander approach can be applied to additional areas of violence prevention, education, healthy development and social justice issues.


Time: 8:30am – 5:30pm both days

Local: Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Fecha: May/31/2012 - Jun/01/2012
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