
Abril, 27

Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop: Introduction to Primary Prevention of Gender-based Violence

Día (s): de 13/abr a 08/jun

Date of training: 2 - 4 July 2012

Deadline for applications: 8 June 2012

Partners for Prevention is accepting applications from practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region to participate in a regional learning event focused on the primary prevention of gender-based violence.

This three-day workshop will highlight promising global and regional approaches to primary prevention, and how to integrate prevention activities into ongoing programming. The workshop is targeted at practitioners and policy makers from Asia and the Pacific region who have an interest to learn about primary prevention or plan to have a primary prevention project/intervention.

Local: Bangkok, Thailand
Fecha: Apr/13/2012 - Jun/08/2012
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Asia-Pacific Regional Learning Event: Practitioner's Clinic - Improving our Primary Prevention Interventions

Día (s): de 13/abr a 08/jun

Date of training: 5 - 6 July 2012

Deadline for applications: 8 June 2012

Partners for Prevention is accepting applications from practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region to participate in a regional learning and knowledge-sharing event focused on enhancing gender-based violence primary prevention interventions. This two-day meeting is for project managers of existing interventions that have a substantial GBV prevention focus. The clinic will involve one-on-one sessions with prevention experts and small group discussions to highlight what is working well and challenges faced by specific prevention projects. The one-on-one sessions will help enhance the projects on an individual basis.

Local: Bangkok, Thailand
Fecha: Apr/13/2012 - Jun/08/2012
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Call for Applications: Introduction to Primary Prevention of Gender-based Violence

Día (s): de 16/abr a 08/jun

Partners for Prevention is accepting applications from practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region to participate in a regional learning event focused on the primary prevention of gender-based violence. The "Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop: Introduction to Primary Prevention of Gender-based Violence" will take place 2–4 July 2012, in Bangkok, Thailand. The deadline for applications is 8 June 2012.

This three-day workshop will highlight promising global and regional approaches to primary prevention, and how to integrate prevention activities into ongoing programming. After the workshop, participants will know what primary prevention is, why it is important and be familiar with different approaches for implementing prevention interventions.

The workshop is targeted at practitioners and policy makers from Asia and the Pacific region who have an interest to learn about primary prevention or plan to have a primary prevention project/intervention. Participants will be drawn from various agencies such as government, UN & civil society.

Application Process: Participants will be selected based on the above selection criteria. The electronic application form can be found at Successful applicants will be contacted by Partners for Prevention by 14 June 2012.

Local: Bangkok, Thailand
Fecha: Apr/16/2012 - Jun/08/2012
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GBV Emergency Response & Preparedness: A Training & Ongoing Support Opportunity (IRC)

Día (s): de 24/abr a 18/may

This initiative, targeting GBV field-based practitioners, prepares responders to strengthen emergency preparedness within their diverse contexts, and to effectively address the specialized needs of women and girls in the onset of human-made and natural disasters. Trained practitioners receive web-based follow-up and
support as they apply new skills and knowledge, and are part of a wider community of trained
emergency responders. Through this network they contribute to real-time analysis of response
and help to advance evidence-based learning.

See the fuller descritiption in English and French.

Download the application in English and French.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications must be received by May 4, 2012. Selected
participants will be notified by May 18, 2012.

Local: Nairobi, Kenya
Fecha: Apr/24/2012 - May/18/2012

Webinar on “Practical Tips and Strategies for Forced Marriage Cases”

Día (s): 27

The Tahirih Justice Center (Tahirih) has launched a National Network to Prevent Forced Marriage and will be holding webinars for Network members and others at least once a quarter. Our second webinar will feature Jasvinder Sanghera, forced marriage survivor and founder of Karma Nirvana, a UK NGO that provides services to victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse. Karma Nirvana also runs a national helpline for victims and survivors, which receives on average approximately 5,000 calls a year. Ms. Sanghera will share practical tips and strategies for handling calls and cases involving forced marriage and honour based abuse, and be available to field questions from advocates around the United States.

Friday, April 27th, from 11:00am -12:30pm (EST).

Local: Online webinar
Fecha: Apr/27/2012
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