
Diciembre, 5

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Call for Proposals

Día (s): de 17/nov a 21/ene

The United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women is accepting applications for its 17th grant cycle (2012) from government authorities, civil society organizations and networks — including non-governmental, women’s and community-based organizations and coalitions, and operational research institutions — and UN Country Teams (in partnership with governments and civil society organizations).

The 2012 UN Trust Fund Call invites proposals in the following areas of action:

  • Closing the Gap on the Implementation of National and Local Laws, Policies and Action Plans that Address Violence against Women
  • Addressing Violence against Adolescent and Young Girls

Applicants are invited to submit grant proposals for a minimum of US$100,000 up to a maximum of US$1 million for a period of two to three years. The application deadline is 21 January 2013.

The complete Call for Proposals detailing criteria, eligibility requirements and application guidelines is available at: or via the UN Women homepage

Fecha: Nov/17/2012 - Jan/21/2013
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From Evidence to Action: Unleashing the Power of Research to Combat Gender-based Violence

Día (s): 5

The US Government recently released its global strategy to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. One of its four key objectives is to improve the collection, analysis, and use of data to enhance prevention and response efforts. Yet local research capacity is lagging in many parts of the world, particularly among those best positioned to use research for policy advocacy and program design. Why and what can be done?

Join ICRW for an informative discussion moderated by Lois Romano, Senior Political Writer for Politico and ICRW Board Member, with the following esteemed panelists:

Kay Freeman, Director of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, USAID
Stella Mukasa, Director of Gender, Violence and Rights, ICRW
Mary Ellsberg, Director, Global Women's Institute, GWU
Karen McDonnell, Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Health Services, GWU

ICRW will launch its latest publication, Strengthening Research and Action on Gender-based Violence in Africa at this event.

Time: 3-4:30pm

Please RSVP by emailing

Local: City View Room, 1957 E St. NW, Washington DC , 7th Floor
Fecha: Dec/05/2012