

Online Discussion of Gender-based Violence for Post-2015 Agenda

Día (s): de 17/oct a 09/nov

UN Women and UNICEF are co-convening an e-discussion on gender-based violence as part of a series of e-discussions taking place within the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda,  supported by the Government of Denmark. The e-discussion is an open and inclusive conversation for representatives of civil society, academia, governments and the UN to discuss what the Post-2015 development agenda should look like.

Local: Online
Fecha: Oct/17/2012 - Nov/09/2012
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UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Call for Proposals

Día (s): de 17/nov a 21/ene

The United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women is accepting applications for its 17th grant cycle (2012) from government authorities, civil society organizations and networks — including non-governmental, women’s and community-based organizations and coalitions, and operational research institutions — and UN Country Teams (in partnership with governments and civil society organizations).

The 2012 UN Trust Fund Call invites proposals in the following areas of action:

  • Closing the Gap on the Implementation of National and Local Laws, Policies and Action Plans that Address Violence against Women
  • Addressing Violence against Adolescent and Young Girls

Applicants are invited to submit grant proposals for a minimum of US$100,000 up to a maximum of US$1 million for a period of two to three years. The application deadline is 21 January 2013.

The complete Call for Proposals detailing criteria, eligibility requirements and application guidelines is available at: or via the UN Women homepage

Fecha: Nov/17/2012 - Jan/21/2013
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Who Takes Care of the Caregivers? Providing Care and Safety for Staff in GBV Settings

Día (s): 29

They take care of the survivors of gender-based violence around the world, but what can organizations do to ensure the safety and well-being of their staff? Panelists at this IGWG event will examine some of the physical and psycho-social impacts on these caregivers from the trauma of being exposed to heartbreaking stories day in and day out, from the lack of resources and overwhelming case loads. Speakers will discuss conditions that caregivers face, prevention and responses strategies that are needed, and resources and trainings that some organizations have already created. In addition, short presentations by members of the gender community of practice on what actions are being taken by their organizations to address this issue.


Please RSVP to by Tuesday, Nov. 20.

Time: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m

Local: International Student House | 1825 R Street, NW | Washington, DC
Fecha: Nov/29/2012