

Webinar: Violence Against Women & HIV

Día (s): 3
AIDS Alliance invites you to participate in a free webinar focusing on the impact that gender based violence has on women and HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs. Whether you are working with HIV-positive clients or victims of violence, this webinar will examine their intersection and address how providers can better serve and support these women.
To participate you must pre-register for this event.
For more information, please contact Kia Jayaratne at or 202-785-3564 x 230
Time: 1:00- 2:30 pm (EST)
Fecha: Aug/03/2011
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Caring for Child Survivors in Humanitarian Settings: Updates from Pilots in Ethiopia and Thailand

Día (s): 3

Sexual violence against children is an acute threat both during and after emergencies, which if left unaddressed can have devastating and life-long impacts.  Because of children’s dependency and limited decision-making power, humanitarian agencies encounter numerous obstacles in trying to support this vulnerable population.  To increase the knowledge, tools and resources available to tackle this problem, the IRC has initiated a project on Caring for Child Survivors (CCS), with support from the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and UNICEF. In November 2010, IRC’s Caring for Child Survivors Specialist briefed Interaction on this new initiative. Since then extensive work has taken place to develop and field-test practical guidance to meet the case management, health, and psychosocial needs of children families affected by sexual abuse.


We welcome you to join this briefing session to hear an update on the CCS initiative and lessons learned from the pilot testing in Ethiopia and Thailand. The IRC will also provide an overview of how it has incorporated this learning to strengthen the overall CCS resource package.


Time: 11:30am – 1pm


RSVP by Monday, August 1st to Lucy de los Reyes ( for this event.

Fecha: Aug/03/2011

Measurement of VAW through statistical surveys

Día (s): de 08/ago a 03/sep

The e-learning course Measurement of violence against women through statistical surveys will be delivered by the Division for Gender Affairs and the Latin American Institute of Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) via the Internet from 8 August to 30 September 2011.

The application period for enrollment extends from 1 June to 22 July.

Local: Online
Fecha: Aug/08/2011 - Sep/03/2011
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Researching Violence Against Women in Asia and the Pacific

Día (s): de 22/ago a 31/ago

The Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR) of Mahidol University, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, is offering a following Regional Workshop: Researching Violence Against Women in Asia and the Pacific (22 – 31 August, 2011)

The course is designed for researchers, advocates, community workers and service providers who want to advance their qualitative and quantitative research skills and employ them in research on gender-based violence. Applicants should be proficient in English, have some analytical skills, and have interest in the subject of gender-based violence. Computer literacy and experience with data systems will be an advantage.

Application Procedures and Deadlines Interested persons should send their application and requested documents as soon as possible. Application materials should arrive in Thailand no later than 12 July, 2011.

Questions regarding this workshop may be directed to Ms.Saowapak Suksinchai, Workshop Coordinato, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Salaya ( 

Local: SD Avenue Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Fecha: Aug/22/2011 - Aug/31/2011
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