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Examples of global indicators on coordination

Última editado: March 07, 2019

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Global indicators for assessing individual sectors are available (Bloom, 2008; see also the Monitoring and Evaluation Module on this site for Indicators by sector).  It is important to note that some of these indicators refer to violence against women as a whole, and some to specific forms – for example, sexual violence and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C).  Where the indicator refers to violence against women, the forms monitored should be specified.  This will avoid giving a false impression that all forms are covered (Kelly, 2008) when the coordinated response may only deal with, for example, intimate partner violence.

Note, however, that because coordinated responses vary widely and are relatively new innovations in many parts of the world, there continues to be a lack of globally agreed indicators relating to coordination specifically. 


Selected global sectoral indicators that include an element of coordination


  • Proportion of rape victims/survivors who received comprehensive care from a health-based facility

Justice and Security

  • Proportion of police and prosecutor units with specialist staff

Proportion of prosecuted cases that were heard in specialized courts

Humanitarian Emergencies

  • Coordination mechanisms established and partners orientated in the emergency area

Source: Bloom, S. (2008) Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators, available in English.