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Further resources on laws, policies and education reform

Última editado: November 15, 2016

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Further resources on laws, policies and education reform

Laws and policies 

Plan/UNICEF. 2014. Toolkit and Analysis of Legislation and Public Policies: To Protect Children and Adolescents from all Forms of Violence in Schools. Panama, Plan/UNICEF. The first half of the toolkit analyses the legal and policy framework for the protection of children and adolescents from violence in schools, focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean. The second half contains materials and toolkits for prevention of SRGBV from around the world.

UNICEF/Inter-Parliamentary Union. 2007. Eliminating Violence against Children. Paris, UNICEF. This handbook describes measures parliamentarians can take to end violence against children, including legislation, overseeing government activities, allocating financial resources and, as leaders in their nations and communities, raising awareness of issues.