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February, 10

Call for Good Practices on data collection and prevention of femicides - Special Rapporteur on VAW

Day(s): from 20/Oct to 01/Mar

On 25 November 2015, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, The Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonovi? called on all States to establish a “femicide watch”, or a “gender-related killing of women” watch.

In her most recent report to the General Assembly (A/71/398, available here), the Special rapporteur further elaborated modalities for establishment of the femicide watch and/or observatory as an interdisciplinary panel of experts that collect and analyze data on femicides with the aims of prevention of such cases.

The Special Rapporteur seeks to collect existing good practices on data collection and prevention of femicides. In order to inform her work on the topic, and with view of creating a global online database, the Special Rapporteur wishes to secure from different stakeholders, including States, National Human Rights Institutions, Non-governmental organizations, as well as members of academia, input and views on the following topics:

-       Existing legislative models or operational guides for the investigation of gender-related killings of women;

-       Existing good practices regarding collection of data on femicides or gender related killings of women;

-       Landmark jurisprudence from international, regional, and national courts, on gender-related killings of women.

N.B. Please note that the working languages of the Secretariat are English, French and Spanish. You are therefore kindly requested to provide your submissions in one of these languages.

All submissions should be sent by 1 March 2017 to

Date: Oct/20/2016 - Mar/01/2017
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Funding opportunity: ANROWS Research Priorities 2017-19 - Grants round

Day(s): from 19/Jan to 31/Mar

ANROWS invites researchers from across Australia to apply for the Research Priorities 2017-19 Grants.  Proposals can be submitted by researchers including those from academic and research institutions and non-government organisations. Partnerships consisting of academic, government and non-government organisations are strongly encouraged, as this promotes and facilitates knowledge transfer and provides better opportunities for research findings to inform policy and practice.

This grants round will support the implementation of the National Plan and reflect the priorities of the Third Action Plan of the National Plan. National Priority Areas for attention in the Third Action Plan are:

  1. Prevention and early intervention.
  2.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children.
  3. Greater support and choice.
  4. Sexual violence.
  5. Responding to children living with violence.
  6. Keeping perpetrators accountable across all systems.

Applications will not be accepted after 5pm AEDT 31 March 2017.

More information on the Grant here

Date: Jan/19/2017 - Mar/31/2017
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Call for Papers: Women and Extreme Violence - 31 May 2017

Day(s): from 26/Jan to 31/May

Violence and Gender, the journal focusing on the understanding, prediction, and prevention of acts of violence, is seeking high quality research on the topic of "women and extreme violence" to publish in the winter issue of 2017.

They are seeking high-quality research articles, perspectives, reviews, and commentaries on the following topics related to women and violence such as:

  • Women involved in extreme violence including homicide, kidnapping, and sexual abuse
  • Incentives of female offenders in criminal behavior
  • Women assisting in extreme violence — terrorism, mass shootings, etc.
  • Women who commit violent sex offense including rape and sexual assault
  • The behaviors of female offenders — do they commit violent crimes alone or with others?
  • Age and demographic of violent female offenders
  • Victims of female offenders — whom do women tend to attack?

Deadline for manuscript submission: May 31, 2017

More information here

Date: Jan/26/2017 - May/31/2017
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Day(s): from 26/Jan to 22/May

The Paraguayan Center for Population Studies (CEPEP) organizes an international seminar on partner violence studies. Discussions and area of debate for this seminar include but not limited to:

-Aspects and processes of partner violence that have consequences on the health of women;

-Individual, dyadic and social factors that operate in partner violence,

-Mechanisms through which partner violence affects sexual and reproductive health

-Health service needs for women with partner violence.

The Center is calling for paper to be sent before 22nd May 2017.

The seminar will take place on 26th June 2017.

More information here (in Spanish only).

Date: Jan/26/2017 - May/22/2017
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International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Systems Change - Orlando, FL, 18-20 April 2017

Day(s): from 26/Jan to 17/Mar

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) organizes its annual conference from April 18 -20, 2017. It will focus on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking and elder abuse. This three-day conference will bring together law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, health care professionals, faith community members, educators, researchers and others.

Registration are opened until March 17th.

More information here.

Date: Jan/26/2017 - Mar/17/2017
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UNiTE Song Contest 2016-2017

Day(s): from 26/Jan to 15/Feb

UN Women and the Embassy of Canada invite you to capture the spirit of the UNiTE Campaign by making your own music video. The competition opens globally from 25 November 2016 - 15 February 2017. The total prize pack is valued at over CAD 1,500.

More information here.


Date: Jan/26/2017 - Feb/15/2017
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Two slots left for the SASA! Faith course (06-10th March 2017) Uganda

Day(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

SASA! Faith Course: Are you looking for ways to strengthen your engagement with a faith community (Muslim and Christian) to prevent violence against women and HIV?  Raising Voices and Trocaire are pleased to let you know that there are only 02 slots left for the upcoming SASA! Faith course scheduled to take place in Kampala-Uganda in March 06th-10th, 2017. This course will be the first of the four SASA! Faith course series that correspond to the four phases of SASA! Faith.

SASA! Faith is meant to inspire, enable and structure effective community mobilization to prevent violence against women and HIV in a faith community and as such, it will require organizational time, commitment and resources including; 2-3 years of SASA! Faith implementation, a commitment to completing all four phases, a team of determined SASA! Faith champions and, dedicated financial resources for positive and sustained change to be realized.

If you are interested, please contact not later than February 10th, 2017

Find out more here

Date: Feb/03/2017 - Feb/10/2017
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Peace Revolution Summit - 6-10 February, Thailand

Day(s): 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

The Peace Revolution Summit will be held from 6 to 10 February 2017 in Thailand.


The summit aims to create a unique opportunity to gather a thriving global community of peace activists and visionaries from different fields, such as entrepreneurs, artists, philanthropists, photographers, filmmakers, bloggers, scholars, teachers, students, civil society and professionals, in order to share their stories, brainstorm ideas, launch initiatives, and share an unforgettable experience of solidarity in unfolding our vision of world peace.


The summit is an opportunity to become a member of a vibrant international community! Join Peace Revolution Summit on a paradise island in Thailand. You will have a chance to empower your mind and cultivate your inner peace through meditation practice. Learn how to build peace by yourself, network with fellow change-makers on how to raise mindfulness practices to the top of the world agenda as peace building tools, and inspire others to start the change from themselves.

More information here.

Date: Feb/06/2017 - Feb/10/2017
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Call for Nominations: The Prizes For Women's Creativity in Rural Life 2017 - WWSF

Day(s): from 06/Feb to 30/Apr

The Women's World Summit Foundation is  pleased to share the Call for nominations for the annual WWSF Prizes for women's creativity in rural life 2017.

The Prize celebrates contributions by rural women leaders and their communities to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Agenda 2030 - Transforming our world! To-date, 422 prizewinners have been honored with the award since 1994. 

The deadlilne for application is 30th April 2017.

You can find more information on the call here as well as the form of participation here.

Date: Feb/06/2017 - Apr/30/2017
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Funding opportunity: AWDF call for proposals – Leading From the South

Day(s): 10, 11, 12 and 13

AAWDF is one of four Women’s Funds from the Global South managing Leading from the South – a funding initiative created to resource women’s rights activism in the global South over 4 years. The fund supports activism devised, implemented, and led by women’s rights organisations in the global South. 

You can apply for three different grant size categories: Yalla, Ananse and Pamoja.

Deadline: 13th February 2017

More information here.

Date: Feb/10/2017 - Feb/13/2017
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Webinar - Our Gender Revolution: Youth Leaders in Action - 16th February

Day(s): 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16

The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence (ICASDV) integrates a social change approach to interrupt the root causes of gender violence fueled by multiple systemic oppressions. The Our Gender Revolution youth framework explores concepts of gender, inequality, and a vision of the world to end oppression and violence and engages young people as social change agents. On this webinar, presenters from the Idaho Coalition will highlight the 2017 We Choose All of Us campaign for National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month that directly addresses the current climate of hate and violence in our schools and communities as a model for promoting youth-driven activism for social transformation.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2:00 - 3:30pm Eastern / 1:00 - 2:30pm Central / 11:00 - 12:30pm Pacific

More information and registration here.

Date: Feb/10/2017 - Feb/16/2017
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