
September, 24

Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons with Case Studies from India

Day(s): from 07/Sep to 17/Oct

This course is planned to be the first of several focusing on gender based violence. We will provide a core curriculum and then, given the wide variability in local circumstances among countries, both in regard to the organization of their health systems and the availability of resources to deliver the recommended interventions, contextualize that content to specific geographical regions of the world. This first offering provides a case study on India and is guided towards participants working in the health care sector.  A core curriculum introduces a global perspective on gender based violence (GBV), including global epidemiology of GBV, health outcomes, relevant research, policy and ethical guidelines, and clinical best practices for GBV prevention, support and management, including review of the new World Health Organization guidelines on responding to violence with Dr. Claudia García-Moreno.  Our colleagues who work in India, Dr. Bushra Sabri, Prof. Anuradha Kapoor, Dr. Ravi Verma, Dr. Anita Raj and Dr. Suneeta Krishnan, and Padma Bhate-Deosthali will provide expertise around these issues in the context of India.  

Local: Online
Date: Sep/07/2015 - Oct/17/2015
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Drawing the Line on Workplace Sexual Harassment

Day(s): 24

In this webinar, sexual violence survivor advocates Julie Lalonde and Nicole Pietsch will discuss the following topics, and make concrete recommendations for positive change:

  1. Seeing beyond the individual incident or harasser:
    - Learn how sexual harassment is connected to a greater social context – one in which the targeted victim, the violation itself, and the harasser − exist in a larger system of social relations and expectations
    - Learn how sexual harassment regulates and segregates public space: for example, by gender, race or age
    - Consider strategies on how to prevent this; and intervene to create safer spaces at work
  2. Taking Leadership:
    - Learn how your workplace culture can actually work to reduce – or foster – workplace harassment
    - Discuss the usefulness and limitations of sexual harassment policies
  3. Drawing The Line on Sexual Harassment:
    - Learn strategies for challenging sexual harassment through bystander intervention
    - Learn strategies for challenging sexual harassment by offering better supports for survivor-victims
    - Bystander intervention can occur on a continuum – it’s not as hard as you might think!

Time: 10-11am (EST)

Local: Online
Date: Sep/24/2015
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