

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Assessment,Treatment and Safe Management

Day(s): 8, 9 and 10

MASOC and MATSA are pleased to announce our Call for Presenters for our 17th annual preconference and conference scheduled for April 8, 9, and 10, 2015. The conference is designed for professionals to share new ideas, refresh current practices, network with other providers, and welcome new professionals to the specialized field of sexual abuse/offense. As in past years, it is anticipated that this year's conference will continue to host a national and international audience of over 700 participants over the course of three days. Workshop proposal submissions are invited for the half-day (180 minutes) pre-conference workshops held on Thursday, April 9, 2015 and the 90-minute conference workshops held on Friday, April 10, 2015.  This year, a poster session on will also be held on Thursday, April 9, 2015.

On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 a four full-day workshop will be held featuring nationally recognized professionals in our field.

Proposals on all relevant topics are encouraged.

Date: Apr/08/2015 - Apr/10/2015
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Men of Color and Community Trauma Prevention: What links sexual and domestic violence efforts to trauma prevention?

Day(s): 9

By the end of this web conference, participants will be able to:

  • Engage in a candid discussion around the links between preventing trauma and sexual and domestic violence
  • List strategies relevant for efforts focused on men of color, trauma and sexual and domestic violence
  • Identify tools and resources to support ongoing innovative partnerships between efforts focused on sexual and domestic violence prevention and efforts preventing trauma in communities of color.

Time: 2-3:30pm EST

Local: Online
Date: Apr/09/2015
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ECLAC course on the Measurement of violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Day(s): 14

The course aims to strengthen and/or instil technical skills and competencies at the country level to measure violence against women considering, first, recommended by the United Nations Statistical Commission indicators, and other indicators from the Violence Gender Equality Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean, among others.

It covers theoretical and practical knowledge that allows the participant to develop skills for measuring violence against women through the procedures used, identifying advantages and disadvantages with respect to the merits of proposals and monitoring of public policies aimed at eradicating this phenomenon in its various manifestations. The final evaluation of it consists of the description and analysis of the situation of one or two countries in the region regarding the measurement of violence against women.

The course will run from 20th April to 19th June 2015.

Cost: $450

Local: Online
Date: Apr/14/2015
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Safe Passage: Gender-Based Violence and Global Education

Day(s): 28

Futures Without Violence presents this year's Open Square Summit Topic. Save the Date!

Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm

Local: Carnegie Library - 801 K Street, Washington, DC, USA
Date: Apr/28/2015
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