
March, 20

International Conference on the Survivors of Rape - Call for Abstracts

Day(s): from 10/Mar to 15/May

The IV ICSoR (taking place in November 2014) will be open to all stakeholders and professionals that want to make the difference on this field – researchers, policymakers, legal system professionals (forensics, lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers),  professions and voluntaries working in NGO, physicians, psychologists, social workers, educators, and others.

Abstracts are welcoming covering the following issues: Human Rights, data collection, medical, mental health, social, legal, and intervention and support models related with rape.

There is particular interest in deepening the following issues/main themes:

  • Prevention and Combat against Rape at European Level – monitoring the States commitments and fulfilment of their obligations regarding the protection of Human Rights. How can Europe build a common approach on this issues?   How can we all act against rape?
  • European data collection on Sexual violence and Rape and the need for comparable Indicators. How to harmonise data and indicators at a European level? How to gatherevidence on the costs of sexual violence and rape?
  • The impact of Sexual Violence and Rape on their victims: What survivors tell us?
  • Multidisciplinary-agency cooperation: effectiveness of current models of intervention and treatment for the survivor’s recovery process. Do we need more specialized resources and professional training? How does it meet the survivals needs? Is it survivals centered?
  • The Intervention programs with sexual offenders. Are they effective for the prevention of further offences? How do they guarantee the victims/survivals safety?
  • Legal issues on Rape. How can the Justice system be more effective in investigating the crimes of rape, punishing the offenders and providing reparation to the victims? How can the Justice system cooperate with the victims/survivals support systems?   
  • Primary Prevention. The role of the educational system and others sectors in the prevention of sexual violence and rape.  How can we educate children and young people to be zero-tolerant throughout violence? How can we protect children and young people from being victims of sexual violence and rape?
  • Survivors Voice and Empowerment. How to promote and support the participation of survivals in self-help, self-representation and self-advocate groups.
Local: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: Mar/10/2014 - May/15/2014
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