

Online Discussion: Transforming social norms to prevent violence against women and girls

Day(s): from 04/Feb to 13/Feb

This is event is being co-organized by Wikigender, Partners for Prevention: a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV regional joint programme for Asia and the Pacific, Breakthrough, End Violence Against Women (EVAW UK), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Womankind Worldwide.

The outcomes of the discussion will be presented at a side event in New York on the topic of social norms and the prevention of violence against women (VAW) and girls, co-organised by the OECD Development Centre and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and taking place on 4 March 2013 during the fifty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) .

Of particularl interest are the following:
  • Key issues: What type of social norms and attitudes contribute to violence against women? What are the entry points for changing social norms and attitudes that support violence against women? What are the challenges for changing social norms that support violence against women? 
  • Examples, case-studies: In your area/region, what are examples of successful policies, initiatives, campaigns and programmes that tackle social norms related to violence against women and girls? Are there approaches that are more effective than others in changing attitudes? How can we harness the power of new technologies and the media? What role does men and boys' involvement play? 
  • Action required: What actions should governments, donors, international organisations and civil society take to transform social norms to prevent violence against women and girls? What type of data should be collected to monitor changes in social norms?
Local: Online
Date: Feb/04/2013 - Feb/13/2013
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In the Wake of War: Men, SGBV and Post-Conflict Settings

Day(s): 13

"In the Wake of War," builds on the increasing attention being paid to men's role in preventing sexual and gender-based violence in post-conflict settings. Researchers, practitioners, policy makers and other are invited to join a discussion about the available and emerging research on SGBV in post-conflict settings, active programming on engaging men in its prevention, and what the future does and should hold for men's engagement in these environments.

The event will include panelist presentations, Q&A, and an informal discussion. Lunch will be provided.

Panelist presentations include:
  • Gary BarkerInternational Director of Promundo, will discuss findings from applications of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey's (IMAGES) conflict and post-conflict settings including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali and the northwest Balkans) and how those findings have been and can be used by both policy makers and practitioners.
  • Tim ShandInternational Programs Coordinator for Sonke Gender Justice Network, will discuss and highlight key findings and recommendations from the new Sonke and UNFPA brief on male involvement in SGBV prevention in conflict, post-conflict and humanitarian settings in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Joseph VessSenior Program Officer for Promundo, will discuss efforts to engage men in both SGBV prevention and women's economic empowerment in post-conflict settings, specifically in the context of recent and current collaborations in Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC, including some lessons learned and future expectations.
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Please RSVP, as space is limited.

Local: Open Society Foundations, 1730 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20006
Date: Feb/13/2013
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Video Girls for Change: Participatory Video Monitoring and Evaluation of Adolescent Girl Programming

Day(s): 14

In 2011, InsightShare, BRAC Uganda and Population Council Guatemala undertook an 18-month initiative – Video Girls for Change – to train adolescent girls in participatory video and most significant change methodologies, equipping them with the tools and skills to assess and evaluate existing programs and contribute to their development and improvement; document the challenges and obstacles they face within their lives; share their experiences and perspectives; and communicate the solutions they devise and successes they achieve.

Staff and girl participants in the Video Girls for Change initiative will share the outcomes and key learnings from this project and will discuss the challenges and opportunities of using participatory video for monitoring and evaluation with adolescent girls.


  • Soledad Muniz, Programme Associate, InsightShare
  • Angel Del Valle, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, Population Council Guatemala
  • Bandele Adeyemi, Communications Manager, BRAC Uganda
  • Janna McDougall, Health & Safety Pillar Lead, Nike Foundation

When: Thursday, 14 February 2013 (3:00 – 4:00 PM GMT)

Register now!
Please note that places are limited.

Registration requires a unique link to join the webinar.

About InsightShare

We are leaders in the use of Participatory Video as a tool for individuals and groups to grow in self-confidence and trust, and to build skills to act for change. Our Participatory Video methods value local knowledge, build bridges between communities and decision-makers, and enable people to gain greater control over the decisions affecting their lives. In recent years, we have pioneered and refined the use of Participatory Video as a monitoring and evaluation tool, implementing dynamic processes with a variety of partner organisations around the world.

For more information about the webinar please contact Marleen Bovenmars:

Local: Webinar
Date: Feb/14/2013
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The Missing Peace Symposium 2013

Day(s): 14, 15 and 16

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP), the Human Rights Center at the University of California, Berkeley, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute North America (SIPRI North America) will convene a group of expert scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and military and civil society actors to examine the issue of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict settings, identify gaps in knowledge and reporting and explore how to increase the effectiveness of current responses to such violence.

You may participate by watching the live webcast of the event beginning at 8:30am EDT on February 14, 2013 at Join the conversation on Twitter with #missingpeace.

Local: Webcast
Date: Feb/14/2013 - Feb/16/2013
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