
October, 22

Online Discussion of Gender-based Violence for Post-2015 Agenda

Day(s): from 17/Oct to 09/Nov

UN Women and UNICEF are co-convening an e-discussion on gender-based violence as part of a series of e-discussions taking place within the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda,  supported by the Government of Denmark. The e-discussion is an open and inclusive conversation for representatives of civil society, academia, governments and the UN to discuss what the Post-2015 development agenda should look like.

Local: Online
Date: Oct/17/2012 - Nov/09/2012
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Online discussion "Engaging Men and Boys in Transforming Discriminatory Social Norms"

Day(s): from 22/Oct to 31/Oct

Sonke Gender Justice Network, Men for Gender Equality Sweden (Män för Jämställdhet), the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Wikigender invite you to participate in a new online discussion on the topic of "Engaging Men and Boys in Transforming Discriminatory Social Norms". The inputs from the Wikigender community will be presented via a summary report at the seminar on "Measuring progress towards gender equality: where do we stand?" on 13 November, an event co-organised by the OECD Development Centre and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm.

Local: Online
Date: Oct/22/2012 - Oct/31/2012
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