

Creating Safe and Gender Inclusive Cities (Women in Cities International and Red Mujer y Habitat)

Day(s): from 28/Nov to 02/Dec
  • Learn why safe and inclusive cities for women are necessary for the attainment of women’s human rights
  • Identify relevant partners to work with in order to create safe and inclusive cities for women
  • Develop a strategy for collecting information about women’s experiences of safety and inclusion in the city
  • Determine relevant actions to take, within your own occupation and life, to improve women’s safety and inclusion

How it works:
Over the course of two weeks, registered participants gain access to a series of international articles and video lectures on the topic of creating safer and gender inclusive cities. Participants are also given the
opportunity to use discussion forums to post questions, ideas and comments about course material. Knowledgeable and experienced discussion facilitators, who work in various fields and countries on the topic of safe and gender inclusive cities, will respond to questions and comments as they are presented. Participants will receive certification of completion at the end of the online seminar.*

For further information and registration, please contact Melanie Lambrick at Women in Cities International:

Date: Nov/28/2011 - Dec/02/2011
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Data on Gender-Based Violence: What's New and What's Not (Inter-agency Gender Working Group)

Day(s): 6

Panel presentations to include:
1) Violence against Women in 12 LAC Countries: Comparative Data from Reproductive, Demographic and Health Surveys (PAHO / CDC)-an important new evidence base from the region. Presented by Alessandra Guedes, PAHO.

2) "Face Validity" of the DHS Domestic Violence Module in Bangladesh-a qualitative research study that used in-depth cognitive interviews to assess the "face validity" of the questions in the DHS Domestic Violence Module, i.e., do the survey items measure what they are intended to measure. Presented by Sidney Schuler, FHI360.

3) GBV Information Management System--a much-needed resource from the International Rescue Committee (IRC), UNHCR, and UNFPA that promotes the safety, respect and dignity of GBV survivors as medical data is collected and compared, especially in humanitarian work in conflict settings. Presented by Karin Wachter, IRC.

4) Ethical Considerations around Data Collection on GBV-a necessary but often neglected lens. Presented by Mary Ellsberg, ICRW.

With Discussant: Sunita Kishor of IFC Macro (formerly ORC Macro).

Where: At PAHO, 525 23rd St, NW, Washington, DC

When: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Date: Dec/06/2011

Research Webcast:Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: Why Definitions and Linkages Matter for Prevention

Day(s): 8


Stop It Now! Webinar

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Eastern time (USA)

Description: The past fifteen years have seen an increasing use of the term child sexual exploitation (CSE) to refer to a multitude of sexually abusive activities against children. Join us as we explore what we mean when we say CSE and how it is both linked to and different from child sexual abuse (CSA). These distinctions are important for determining how best to formulate prevention messages and develop clear national policies that better protect and safeguard children

Local: Webinar
Date: Dec/08/2011
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Advanced International Training Programme 2012: "UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace And Security" – deadline to apply: 31 January 2012 – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Day(s): from 14/Dec to 31/Jan

The training programme targets the following countries: Colombia, DRC, Georgia, Liberia and South Sudan 

The principle aim of the training is:

– to contribute to the understanding of the need for increasing women’s influence and participation in the conflict management and postconflict reconstruction;
– to increase the recognition of the special needs of girls and women in peace processes.
– to enable organisational and professional change where participants will be able to use the knowledge and tools provided by the programme to contribute to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

It is primarily designed for participants with senior and middle level positions in government, civil society and private sector working with human rights, women's rights and in the security sector and admits 25 representatives from the target countries.

Application Deadline: 31 January 2012 

Local: Stockholm, Sweden
Date: Dec/14/2011 - Jan/31/2012
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