Create a Workplan and Timeline

Last edited: October 30, 2010

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Programme partners should develop a timeline that outlines all of the activities that they need to carry out in order to reach their objectives. The timeline should have each activity listed, by order of start date. Creating a timeline allows safe cities for women programme partners to organize, monitor and execute their strategies in an efficient manner, and to plan accordingly alongside available resources. A timeline lays out the necessary responsibilities and action phases of the project, and helps partners keep track of their progress over time. Programme partners may want to call certain important steps “milestones”. Milestones indicate places on the timeline where a great deal of work and progress has been achieved. A timeline may also be required by certain funders and it can be used to enhance the programme’s status as well-planned and structured. Timelines can also be used to report on, review, re-confirm or renegotiate work with the public and within the safe cities for women programme itself (Women in Cities International, 2007).


Example: Timeline for a Safe Cities for Women Programme

The timeline below can be expanded/adapted and used by safe cities for women programme partners. The first category is reserved for a main action or strategy, such as a survey of women’s feelings of personal safety at a local bus stop. The second category is for the steps needed to complete the main action or strategy. In the case of the survey, steps might include designing the survey, testing the survey, finalizing the survey, implementing the survey, and reporting results. Each main action and step should have an approximate start and end date, as well as a person who is responsible for seeing the action or step through from start to finish.





Date Start

Date End

Who is Responsible?

Is this a Milestone?




















Example: Results Chains from the Gender Inclusive Cities Programme

 The Gender Inclusive Cities Programme(GICP) is funded by the UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women. It is being administrated by Women in Cities International (WICI) and is being implemented by four international project partners in cities across the globe: 
• International Centre and Network for Information on Crime in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
• Jagori in Delhi, India
Information Centre of the Independent Women’s Forum in Petrozavodsk, Russia
Red Mujer y Habitat de America Latina in Rosario, Argentina.

The aim of the programme is to create cities that are inclusive and respect the right of all people, including women, to live, work and move around without fear or difficulty. Gender Inclusive Cities seeks to identify the factors that cause and perpetuate inequalities and exclusion, as well as the policies and programme approaches that enhance women’s inclusion and “right to the city”. The first stage of this programme consists of knowledge-generation using the methodological tools of mapping, research and review. Afterwards, WICI, in partnership with local governments and NGOs, will use this knowledge to pilot interventions designed to reduce the public vulnerability and exclusion women and girls face. Pilot interventions will also promote women’s and girls’ access to and understanding of their rights.

During the implementation planning process, programme partners in each city devised results chains which aim to demonstrate how the results of their activities will conceivably impact the creation of safer and more inclusive cities for women.

See the Results Chain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6