- Develop multi-sectoral plans of action for addressing violence against women that mandate comprehensive social, medical and legal services for victims/survivors with clearly delineated sector roles and responsibilities and fully budgeted interventions;
- Develop policies, procedures and protocols to improve the response of, and collaboration among, police, judges, health, and other professionals;
- Ensure there is a strong legislative basis for coordination, which outlines a commitment to coordination, permits relevant agencies to cooperate/share appropriate information and defines responsibility for providing financial resources;
- Ensure the leaders at the national level are well resourced and have the authority to bring together other ministries and stakeholders (e.g. Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Ministry of Health, etc.);
- Integrate violence against women issues horizontally across all relevant policy areas;
- Create or strengthen government offices dedicated to the advancement of women;
- Ensure strategies and interventions are safe, effective and evidence-based and isolate the successful components by investing in regular research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation and incorporating lessons learned into future practice;
- Establish shared definitions and perspectives that prioritize the rights of victims/survivors;Set realistic targets for the short, medium and longer terms;
- Engage individuals and agencies that demonstrate commitment, including those who will dedicate resources to make participation and feedback into individual agencies effective;
- Motivate regular participation in coordination efforts by the same people to ensure continuity;
- Return to actions from previous meetings, tracking why things have not been implemented and, where necessary, developing new approaches (and continuing to implement approaches that do work);
- Identify the barriers at system/routine practice levels;
- Use case studies that illustrate where coordination did and did not work to identify key facilitators and barriers;
- Address both victims/survivors and perpetrators in interventions;
- Build responses that acknowledge that men can be serial perpetrators with multiple victims and that many women experience more than one type of violence during their lifetimes;
- Recognise that men can be important allies in efforts to address violence against women;
- Develop an approach that can address all forms of violence against women together in a combined way, while also ensuring that issues and tailored responses specific to particular forms are considered;
- Build and strengthen referral networks based on confidence that responses are founded on shared principles and understandings;
- Ensure the voices of groups working on violence against women issues other than intimate partner violence are included in coordination bodies and their activities;
- Respect and utilise the unique depth of expertise and knowledge in NGOs, recognising that they are often representing the voices and experiences of victims/survivors; and
- Establish mechanisms for reflecting on and evaluating coordination processes, including ways of incorporating the voices and experiences of victims/survivors.
National (and state/provincial) level coordination strategies
Last edited: January 22, 2019