- Prevention programming addressing VAWG in humanitarian settings is in a nascent phase: while there are commonly recognized and applied frameworks for building coordinated response services, there is no similar framework to guide VAWG prevention work. As a result, prevention activities in emergency contexts tend to be improvised, relatively small-scale, and/or issue-specific. There is no collective understanding or agreement of what prevention entails, or of what kinds of prevention interventions should be prioritized within and across various stages of humanitarian intervention.
- A prevention framework can assist humanitarian actors to reflect on and prioritize prevention interventions in the settings in which they work. The framework should not serve as a ‘how-to’, but rather a snapshot for conceptualizing prevention activities. The framework must nevertheless attempt to address several important issues, described below. (Note: this list is not exhaustive; VAWG actors may identify other important issues that must be accommodated in a prevention framework.)