1. The Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) is the foundation for developing a Consolidated Appeal, and is as such part of the CAP. In some countries the appeal process is alternatively referred to as a work plan.
2. The Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) is a formal process where national and international organizations can request funds from agencies for funding of specific projects. The CAP serves to raise funds for humanitarian action as well as assist humanitarian aid partners to plan, implement and monitor their activities together. Thus the CAP is much more than an appeal for money. The CAP is a response plan created in close cooperation between governments, donors, and aid agencies that plan, coordinate, implement, monitor and report on the results of the CAP. The CAP often includes: analysis of the context; needs assessment; best, worst and most likely scenarios; statement of longer‐term objectives and goals; prioritized response plans including a detailed mapping of projects to cover all needs; a framework for monitoring; and a process for revision. Each CAP spans one year and a mid‐year review is presented to donors each July. Most CAPs relate to protracted conflict‐related emergencies and can also be alternatively referred to as work‐plans or action plans.
3. The Flash Appeal is also a formal process through which national and international organizations can request funds from agencies for specific projects. The Flash Appeal is a tool used for structuring a coordinated humanitarian response for the first three to six months of an emergency. The UN Humanitarian Coordinator triggers a formal appeal in consultation with all stakeholders. Ideally, a Flash Appeal should be issued within one week of an emergency. It provides a concise overview of urgent life saving needs, and may include recovery projects that can be implemented within the timeframe of the Appeal. Flash Appeals typically respond to major natural disasters, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and 2010 Haitian Earthquake.
- In addition to the pooled funds and appeals, in any given context there may be other donors providing funding for various VAWG interventions. Examples of these include:
- A multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) is a mechanism through which donors pool their resources with the intention of supporting national humanitarian, recovery, reconstruction and development priorities. It is a useful additional source of funding after the immediate relief stage and helps to reduce the burden of seeking and reporting on funding from multiple sources. The funds are managed through an administrative agent such as UNDP, and the nature and requirements for funding are determined based on the individual country context and programme or project objectives.
- The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women is the only multilateral grant-making mechanism that supports local, national and regional efforts to end violence against women and girls. The grants have ranged from US$100,000 to US$300,000 and support:
- Awareness raising
- Advocacy for adequate budgetary allocation
- Multi-sector partnerships
- Development of sustainable capacities of judiciaries, law enforcement and health-service providers
- Access of survivors to services
- Creation and strengthening of data-collection systems.