Law and policy change, and change in the implementation or enforcement of laws and policies, can be measured by asking whether the desired law or policy outcome has been produced and implemented. Sample questions include:
- Has a new or changed law or policy been elaborated and publicized?
- Is it being implemented by those responsible, e.g. are institutions offering the services provided for in the new policy?
- Is it effectively enforced, e.g. do judges base their judgments on the new law?
Progress indicators may include:
- Increased dialogue on the campaign issue among the target audience
- Raised profile of the campaign issue in political debate and in the media
- Changed opinion (whose?)
- Changed rhetoric (public/private)
- Change in written publications
Source: adapted from Chapman, J. & Wameyo, A., 2001. Monitoring and Evaluating Advocacy: A Scoping Study, ActionAid.