Podcasts are audio or video broadcasts that can be downloaded from a website and stored on a computer or other device to be listened to offline at the listener’s convenience. It is different from a radio broadcast which happens in real time, via a ‘live stream’. Since podcasts can be created easily with some inexpensive audio equipment and access to the internet, they can be cost-effective ways of elaborating on campaign messages and issues with an audience (provided this audience has easy access to new media technologies). A small podcast library can be included on the campaign website.
A major advantage of audio podcasts is that people can transfer them onto a portable player (e.g. an ipod or mobile phone) and listen to them when they are not near their computer, e.g. on their way to work.
Tactical Technology Collective provides step-by-step guidance on producing podcasts, blogs, video blogs and radio broadcasts in its Message-in-a-box: Tools and tactics for communicating your cause (updated 2009). Also see their NGO-in-a-box: The Audio/Video edition.