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Mayo, 31

Call for Papers: Women and Extreme Violence - 31 May 2017

Día (s): de 26/ene a 31/may

Violence and Gender, the journal focusing on the understanding, prediction, and prevention of acts of violence, is seeking high quality research on the topic of "women and extreme violence" to publish in the winter issue of 2017.

They are seeking high-quality research articles, perspectives, reviews, and commentaries on the following topics related to women and violence such as:

  • Women involved in extreme violence including homicide, kidnapping, and sexual abuse
  • Incentives of female offenders in criminal behavior
  • Women assisting in extreme violence — terrorism, mass shootings, etc.
  • Women who commit violent sex offense including rape and sexual assault
  • The behaviors of female offenders — do they commit violent crimes alone or with others?
  • Age and demographic of violent female offenders
  • Victims of female offenders — whom do women tend to attack?

Deadline for manuscript submission: May 31, 2017

More information here

Fecha: Jan/26/2017 - May/31/2017
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Call for Papers: Special Issue on Internet and Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents

Día (s): de 30/mar a 01/sep

The goal of this special issue of the Canadian Review of Sociology is to publish high quality texts analyzing sexual violence against children and adolescents committed through Internet (or related information and communication technologies), as well as social, moral and political aspects associated to these crimes.

In this respect, they are looking for: 1) empirically based research on sexual violence against children and adolescents (resulting from online ethnographies, interviews, analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from police, etc.); 2) texts that discuss social, moral and political processes related to this topic; 3) debates and polemics on issues directly related to sexual violence against children and adolescents such as the age of consent, sexuality and autonomy, etc.

Papers should be sent through the Canadian Review of Sociology website Deadline: September 1st, 2017

More information here

Fecha: Mar/30/2017 - Sep/01/2017
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II European Conference on Domestic Violence: 6-9 September, Porto, Portugal

Día (s): de 01/abr a 09/sep

The II European Conference on Domestic Violence will bring together researchers, academics, doctoral students, practitioners, and policy makers, and is designed to:

  1. Connect research and intervention within the field of domestic violence
  2. Exchange knowledge, good practices and methodologies which best contribute to the protection of victims and to the eradication of domestic and gender violence
  3. Share scientific results which inform the construction of social and legal policies regarding domestic and gender violence
  4. Promote networking among professionals and experts in this field
  5. Develop research and practice networks, methods and tools on preventing and combatting domestic violence. 

More information and registration here.

Fecha: Apr/01/2017 - Sep/09/2017
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International Conference on Cybercrime: Cybercrime Research, Policy and Practice: the Collaboration Imperative, 16-18 July 2017, Gold Coast, Australia

Día (s): de 18/abr a 18/jul

The Australian Institute of Criminology and the Asia Pacific Association of Technology and Society will host the 5th International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics (ICCCF) at Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach on 16-18 July 2017.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Cybercrime Research, Policy and Practice: the Collaboration Imperative.’

The massive increase in technological developments in personal computing, smart phone and wireless devices in recent years has created significant challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. This important conference will explore the expansion of technology-enabled crimes and how collaboration can inform technological, legal and policy responses internationally.

The conference will feature influential speakers from government, academia and industry.\

More information and registration here.

Fecha: Apr/18/2017 - Jul/18/2017
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Call for Submissions: Every Hour Matters Challenge - 7th July

Día (s): de 26/abr a 07/jul

Positive Action Challenges, in collaboration with Together for Girls and Positive Action for Girls and Women (PAGW) is seeking innovative solutions to remove barriers to post-rape care in resource limited settings, with particular applicability in DREAMS countries (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). Proven or innovative solutions may be submitted for consideration.

Challenge statement: Identify a solution that increases awareness about the critical post-rape care timelines related to post-exposure prophylaxis (72 hours) and emergency contraception (120 hours) and leads to a significant increase in up-take of post-rape care services. Solutions must demonstrate an understanding of the availability of post-rape care services in the local context/healthcare systems targeted, and must be able to demonstrate an increase in uptake of services in these contexts.

Challenge Close: Concept deadline: May 31, Full Application deadline: July 7

More information and application here.

Fecha: Apr/26/2017 - Jul/07/2017
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Call for applications: SASA! Start course - Prevention VAW and HIV (5th-9th June)

Día (s): de 26/abr a 09/jun

The SASA! Start phase course will take place in Kampala from June 5th – 9th, 2017. The course will explore ways to mobilize communities to prevent violence against women and HIV. 

The fee for the SASA! Start course is $600. Some financial support may be available for community based and national organizations.

More information and application here.

Fecha: Apr/26/2017 - Jun/09/2017
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Webinar: Healthy masculinities - Mobilizing men and boys to foster positive gender norms, 31 May 2017

Día (s): de 27/abr a 31/may

This web conference will explore strategies to mobilize men and boys in prevention, referencing the evidence base and on-the-ground work including Coaching Boys Into Men and other innovative community efforts. Learn from practitioners already building alliances with men and bring your ideas as we critique patriarchal norms and explore opportunities to promote healthy masculinities.


  • Explore what is meant by gender norms and masculinities
  • Discuss why engaging men and boys can help counter harmful aspects of gender norms that contribute to sexual and domestic violence.
  • Learn from local work to engage men and boys in sexual and domestic violence prevention
  • Engage in a candid discussion on challenges and considerations in promoting healthy masculinities in the context of patriarchal norms

EASTERN (EST/EDT)2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

More information here.

Fecha: Apr/27/2017 - May/31/2017
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National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence - 28 September, San Francisco

Día (s): de 28/abr a 28/sep

Drawing over 1,000 attendees, the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence features innovative practices and the latest research in the field of health and domestic & sexual violence.

More information and registration here.

Fecha: Apr/28/2017 - Sep/28/2017
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Seminar on “Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting at the intersection of qualitative, quantitative and mixed method research – Experiences from Africa and Europe

Día (s): de 16/may a 08/jun

The Academic Seminar on  “Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting at the intersection of qualitative, quantitative and mixed method research – Experiences from Africa and Europe”, will take place in Brussels, on June 8 and 9 2017.  The aim of the seminar is to discuss the added value of research in the campaign towards abandoning FGM, the do’s and don’ts and propose recommendations for researching FGM/C. Academics and professionals from Europe and Africa will present papers on qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research on FGM/C

Dates 8-9 June 2017

More information and registration here 

Fecha: May/16/2017 - Jun/08/2017
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Call for Contributions - Gender and Development Journal - Sexualities 15th June

Día (s): de 16/may a 15/jun

The Gender and Development Journal is seeking contributions which draw on first-hand experience and research of work in development and humanitarian contexts, especially focusing on the global South/fragile or conflictaffected countries. 

G&D is a unique journal, providing a forum for debate – and a tool for influencing – for development policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and women’s rights activists. It is published for Oxfam by Routledge/Taylor and Francis. G&D is currently read in over 90 countries.

Deadline 15th June

More information here.

Fecha: May/16/2017 - Jun/15/2017
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Call for Papers on Transgender Violence - 31st May

Día (s): de 16/may a 31/may

Violence and Gender is seeking high quality research on the topic of violence involving transgender individuals to publish in the winter issue of 2017. The issue will provide a broad overview of the current state of affairs on a national and international scale.

The journal will consider Research Articles, Reviews, Perspectives, and Commentaries on the on the following topics:

  1. Transgender persons and self-harm
  2. Transgender persons in other vulnerable populations (i.e. refugees or homeless persons)
  3. Barriers to seeking help among transgender victims of violence
  4. Hate crimes targeting transgender people
  5. All topics related to violence against transgender individuals

More information here.


Fecha: May/16/2017 - May/31/2017
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Rapid Re-Housing/Housing First: Innovative Practices (Webinar) 2nd June

Día (s): de 17/may a 02/jun

Participants will leave this webinar understanding the basics of a “Housing First” approach. The webinar will examine how new approaches employed by a growing number of victim services programs can support safe and stable housing for survivors of domestic violence and explore how modifications to the Rapid Re-housing model can boost its effectiveness with survivors. It also highlight a successful example of a statewide effort to increase safe housing for survivors in rural, urban and tribal communities.  This webinar could be particularly interesting for programs who participate/want to participate in their CoCs, particularly in anticipation of the HUD NOFA release.

More information and registration here.

Fecha: May/17/2017 - Jun/02/2017
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Survivor Safety and Coordinated Entry Systems (Webinar) 5th June

Día (s): de 17/may a 05/jun

Participants will leave this webinar understanding the importance of safety/safety planning considerations in Coordinated Entry Systems for domestic and sexual violence survivors. 

Registration here.

Fecha: May/17/2017 - Jun/05/2017
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'Gamification for Humanitarian Learning' - Online Free Course (5th June- 2nd July 2017)

Día (s): de 23/may a 05/jun

On 5th June 2017, the Humanitarian Leadership Academy will launch its second Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 'Gamification for Humanitarian Learning', in partnership with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO).  

This course is an innovative online laboratory aimed at identifying humanitarian challenges and training people to solve them through on and offline games. The course is four weeks long, and is suitable for learners of all abilities. 

Registration is now open, it’s completely free to take part, 

More information here.

Fecha: May/23/2017 - Jun/05/2017
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Nominations for the Top 50 Women Public Sector Women - Victoria, Australia (12th June)

Día (s): de 23/may a 12/jun

Nominations for the Top 50 Women Public Sector Women (Victoria) list are now open (closing June 12). The list will shine a spotlight on exceptional leaders, highlighting their work and creating role models for other females in the sector.

Further information and nomination forms are available here.

Fecha: May/23/2017 - Jun/12/2017
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Nominations for the 2017 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (2nd June)

Día (s): de 23/may a 02/jun

Nominations for the 2017 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA) are now open (closing 19 May). These awards recognise and reward good practice in the prevention or reduction of violence and other types of crime in Australia.

More information here.

Fecha: May/23/2017 - Jun/02/2017
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Domestic Violence Alert Training - Australia (21 & 22 June)

Día (s): de 23/may a 22/jun

Lifeline and inTouch are offering domestic violence Alert training for frontline workers supporting multicultural communities on 21 & 22 June, 8.45am – 5.00pm.  Training will be held in the Fountain View Room (rear) at the City of Whittlesea, Civic Centre 25 Ferres Blvd South MorangThe training fee is waived for health, allied health, community, higher education, childcare frontline workers.  Where necessary, Lifeline will also cover reasonable costs of participants requiring travel, accommodation and staff backfill.  

More information here.

Fecha: May/23/2017 - Jun/22/2017
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Introduction to Men’s Behaviour Change - Courses - Victoria, Australia

Día (s): de 23/may a 31/jul

In response to the increasing demand for men’s behaviour change practitioners in Victoria, NTV/MRS will be delivering a number of Introduction to Men’s Behaviour Change short courses throughout Victoria in 2017-18.

The short course aims to introduce those already working in or wishing to work in the men’s behaviour change field, to the specialised work of men’s behaviour change programs. The course will provide the fundamental knowledge and skills for family violence practitioners to commence working as a men’s behaviour change practitioner.

More information on the dates of the courses and registration here.

Fecha: May/23/2017 - Jul/31/2017
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Webinar - Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan (27 June)

Día (s): de 26/may a 27/jun

In May 2017, CDC released Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practices to help states and communities sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) and its consequences across the lifespan.

This web conference will explore how the technical package can support prevention program decision-making, identify resources to support prevention practice, and examine potential sectors to involve in prevention efforts.

Date: 27 june (ESTEARN 2:00-3:30PM)

More information here.

Fecha: May/26/2017 - Jun/27/2017
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Seminar - Understanding and Responding to Forced Marriage - London (7th July)

Día (s): de 26/may a 07/jul

This seminar will provide an overview on particular forms of domestic violence such as forced marriage, 'honour'-based violence, transnational marriage abandonment and dowry violence. It will examine the specificities of these forms of violence as well as the commonalities between these manifestations of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and other more ‘mainstream’ forms of VAWG in order to understand the common socio-cultural roots of such violences. It will explore the impact on South Asian women in the UK in particular, though the implications for other communities will also be addressed.

Reserved by 23rd June 

More information here

Fecha: May/26/2017 - Jul/07/2017
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Women Girls Speak Up and Stay Safe: Media & Mobiles NYC (June 6)

Día (s): de 26/may a 06/jun

Please RSVP now to join Vodafone Americas Foundation and Internews, in partnership with Technology Salon NYC, for a lively conversation about empowering women and girls with tools to make their voices heard, all around the world, in ways that keep them safe and secure. 

Covered questions:

  • What are some of the barriers to online expression that girls and women face in different contexts? What strategies and tactics are they using to overcome these barriers?
  • How can media organizations purposefully support safe, dynamic and relevant spaces for girls and women to speak up and speak out? What are the benefits, challenges and implications of doing so?
  • Are there times when stronger women and girls’ participation generates greater media engagement and revenue? How can we build on this while balancing the desire for increased numbers with gender parity, political and/or development goals?
  • Should we be engaging men and boys in this conversation? How and why (or why not)?

More information here.

Fecha: May/26/2017 - Jun/06/2017
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UNESCO Forum: Cracking the Code :Girls' Education in STEM - Bangkok (28-30 August)

Día (s): de 30/may a 17/jul

UNESCO's first international symposium and policy forum on girls' education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) will examine girls' disadvantage in STEM studies and careers worldwide, and what the education sector can do to address gender gaps in STEM. 
It will provide space to share and discuss the factors that impact on girls' participation and achievement in STEM fields, and good practice worldwide.

You can submit proposal before 5th June. 

More information here.

Fecha: May/30/2017 - Jul/17/2017
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