Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Evaw_Util_Calendar has a deprecated constructor in /home2/endvawnow/library/Evaw/Util/Calendar.php on line 2

Marzo, 16

Funding opportunity: ANROWS Research Priorities 2017-19 - Grants round

Día (s): de 19/ene a 31/mar

ANROWS invites researchers from across Australia to apply for the Research Priorities 2017-19 Grants.  Proposals can be submitted by researchers including those from academic and research institutions and non-government organisations. Partnerships consisting of academic, government and non-government organisations are strongly encouraged, as this promotes and facilitates knowledge transfer and provides better opportunities for research findings to inform policy and practice.

This grants round will support the implementation of the National Plan and reflect the priorities of the Third Action Plan of the National Plan. National Priority Areas for attention in the Third Action Plan are:

  1. Prevention and early intervention.
  2.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children.
  3. Greater support and choice.
  4. Sexual violence.
  5. Responding to children living with violence.
  6. Keeping perpetrators accountable across all systems.

Applications will not be accepted after 5pm AEDT 31 March 2017.

More information on the Grant here

Fecha: Jan/19/2017 - Mar/31/2017
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Call for Papers: Women and Extreme Violence - 31 May 2017

Día (s): de 26/ene a 31/may

Violence and Gender, the journal focusing on the understanding, prediction, and prevention of acts of violence, is seeking high quality research on the topic of "women and extreme violence" to publish in the winter issue of 2017.

They are seeking high-quality research articles, perspectives, reviews, and commentaries on the following topics related to women and violence such as:

  • Women involved in extreme violence including homicide, kidnapping, and sexual abuse
  • Incentives of female offenders in criminal behavior
  • Women assisting in extreme violence — terrorism, mass shootings, etc.
  • Women who commit violent sex offense including rape and sexual assault
  • The behaviors of female offenders — do they commit violent crimes alone or with others?
  • Age and demographic of violent female offenders
  • Victims of female offenders — whom do women tend to attack?

Deadline for manuscript submission: May 31, 2017

More information here

Fecha: Jan/26/2017 - May/31/2017
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Día (s): de 26/ene a 22/may

El Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Población (CEPEP) organiza un seminario internacional sobre estudios de violencia de pareja.

Las discusiones y el área de debate para este seminario incluyen pero no se limitan a:

-Aspectos y procesos de violencia de pareja que tienen consecuencias sobre la salud de la mujer;

- Factores individuales, diádicos y sociales que operan en la violencia de pareja,

-Mecanismos por los cuales la violencia de pareja afecta a la salud sexual y reproductiva

- Necesidades de servicios de salud para mujeres con violencia de pareja.

El Centro pide que se envíe el documento antes del 22 de mayo de 2017

.El seminario tendrá lugar el 26 de junio de 2017.

Más información aquí

Fecha: Jan/26/2017 - May/22/2017
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International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Systems Change - Orlando, FL, 18-20 April 2017

Día (s): de 26/ene a 17/mar

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) organizes its annual conference from April 18 -20, 2017. It will focus on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking and elder abuse. This three-day conference will bring together law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, health care professionals, faith community members, educators, researchers and others.

Registration are opened until March 17th.

More information here.

Fecha: Jan/26/2017 - Mar/17/2017
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Call for Nominations: The Prizes For Women's Creativity in Rural Life 2017 - WWSF

Día (s): de 06/feb a 30/abr

The Women's World Summit Foundation is  pleased to share the Call for nominations for the annual WWSF Prizes for women's creativity in rural life 2017.

The Prize celebrates contributions by rural women leaders and their communities to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Agenda 2030 - Transforming our world! To-date, 422 prizewinners have been honored with the award since 1994. 

The deadlilne for application is 30th April 2017.

You can find more information on the call here as well as the form of participation here.

Fecha: Feb/06/2017 - Apr/30/2017
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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Making the Connection between Child Marriage and SGBV, HIV/AIDS and Education

Día (s): de 20/feb a 27/mar

The Regional Fund on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is providing grants to organisations proposing innovative ways to address the inter-sectionality between child marriage and one or more of the following three topics: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, HIV/AIDS and education at the national level that have the potential for scale up to the regional level.

The maximum funding available per proposal is $US 15,000.

They are seeking proposals that put forward approaches and activites that can include:
• research to gather, document and share evidence,
• pilot testing programs that seek to strengthen intersectional programming with one or more of the three topics,
• developing and implementing initiatives to improve the situation of child brides and adolescent girls vulnerable to marriage connected to one or more of the three topics; and
• advocacy efforts that seek to change/implement policies or programs at the national level related to one or more of the three topics that will have an impact on child marriage.

Deadline: 27th March 2017

More information on the proposal here.

Fecha: Feb/20/2017 - Mar/27/2017
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Amnesty International Survey - Violence against Women Online

Día (s): de 03/mar a 03/may

Amnesty International is investigating the human rights implications of online violence and harassment against women on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

They are looking for stories from women who have experienced violent threats and harassment online specifically related to their gender as well as any other intersecting forms of identity (e.g. race, sexual orientation, religion, gender expression). They want to know how online abuse made women feel and how women dealt with it - did you block users, report to police or companies, get offline, stop posting about certain content? They also want to know what the response was if you reported the online abuse to the police or to the social media companies directly. 

Complete the survey here.

Fecha: Mar/03/2017 - May/03/2017
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Call for proposals: Regional study on the intersections between Violence against Women and Violence against Children

Día (s): de 08/mar a 17/mar

In a context where efforts to address VAW and VAC have evolved in distinct streams with occasional tensions between the two communities of practice, the study will set out the existing state of play on policies and programmes on VAW and VAC in the region.

This will include an analysis of areas where specialised approaches are required, and those areas where greater convergence is necessary. This will not be a study limited to an academic audience, but rather we hope the recommendations will be used to influence policy and programming. Key recommendations emerging from the regional study will serve as a platform to initiate a proposed VAW-VAC Stakeholder Dialogue to take place in during the 16 Days of Activism’ in Nov/Dec 2017. The study will include a number of case studies in 3-5 selected countries, where policies, services and prevention programmes will be analysed in some detail. This will require some light country office support for the institutional service providers eventually selected for this exercise.

Response deadline 10:00 am (Bangkok time) on 17 March 2017

More information here.

Fecha: Mar/08/2017 - Mar/17/2017
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CSW61 (2017) - Commission on the Status of Women

Día (s): de 13/mar a 24/mar

The sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 13 to 24 March 2017.Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world are invited to attend the session. 

Themes to be adressed during the session:

  • Priority theme: "Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work"
  • Review theme: "Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls (agreed conclusions of the fifty-eighth session)"
  • Emerging issue/Focus area: "The empowerment of indigenous" 

Find more information on:

Fecha: Mar/13/2017 - Mar/24/2017
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Grant's for Journalists - Underreported Women's Stories

Día (s): de 15/mar a 01/abr

The International Media Women's Foundation (IMWF) is providing grants that average $5,000 USD for women journalists to pursue international stories of importance through gender-sensitive coverage of underreported topics. The grants will be awarded to cover reporting-related costs.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Funding will be awarded in August, December, and April.

For more information, or to submit an application, click here

The IWMF’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories, sponsored by The Secular Society, is a new funding initiative supporting journalism produced by and about women.

Fecha: Mar/15/2017 - Apr/01/2017
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