Implementation of strategies should be adapted to specific local and national country contexts. They must be prioritized considering the needs of survivors in the country, the availability of resources, and national policies and protocols. Training may not be the most effective first step. A possible sequence of implementation strategies is:
- Prioritize reform of laws, policies, procedures, and practices which prevent access to justice or which actively harm survivors such as rape laws which allow the perpetrator to escape punishment by marrying the victim. For full guidance, see the Legislation module. For national justice strategies, see the International Development Law Organization.
- Mount an effective advocacy campaign targeted at reforms. (For full guidance, see the Advocating for New Laws or the Reforming of Existing Laws module.)
- Appoint specialized staff at entry points of justice system to provide respectful and helpful information to victims;
- Monitor the performance of prosecutors and judges on cases of gender-based violence and hold them accountable for failing to enforce laws;
- Upgrade the infrastructure of the justice system, such as office equipment, forensic supplies, investigation and transport resources; and
- Train prosecutors and judges on laws and dynamics of gender-based violence (Morrison et. al. 2004).